Thursday, December 30, 2021

Maids & Masters v0.5 Release

Here we go, public release for v0.5. There's still a bit of work being done on v0.5.1, which I expect to have ready to release in a week, maybe two. It does include a fix for a bug that's a hard lock on progression, so that will be going straight to public release once I get that far, then it's back to supporters getting early releases.

If you haven't considered it yet, I'd really appreciate it if you took a look at my Patreon page. I'm doing everything I can to ensure I can continue to work on my projects as I see fit, but without support, I will eventually ultimately need to shelve my projects in order to keep my bills paid. Even a small amount of support pushes that looming deadline back just a little bit more, so if you like what I do, I'd appreciate anything you can offer.

As usual, download links are up on the Downloads page as of this post going up, and the changelog is below.

Next story release.
- Includes Freeze versions of the Estate and Cumhaill, 8 new scenes, and a focus on smaller character moments in both the mansion and Cumhaill.
Added more dialogue to Phoebe for increased clarity.
Added more butterflies to the new maps that were missing them.
Fixed a bug where the Missing Masters quest would not count as completed in quest tracking.
Fixed a bug where the orbs in one of the optional holds would change color incorrectly.
Fixed a bug with one pile of wood that prevented collecting it.
Fixed a bug preventing interaction with the fireplaces in the Beauregard Estate.
Fixed bugs involving the player being transferred to the wrong phase of Cumhaill.
Fixed a bug where Orvik wouldn’t stop telling you to get down.
Updated the renders for Phoebe’s handjob scene.
Updated Quest Tracking at the war table for new game phases.
Updated some item descriptions for improved readability.
Various other minor map, dialogue, sprite, and event updates.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Another Grain Through The Hourglass - 2021 Year In Review

Instead of talking about game development, since this will be the last (non-release) post of the year, I wanted to take some time to celebrate the things worth celebrating in 2021. I won't pretend that there wasn't a lot of bad in 2021, but we get enough of the bad on a day to day basis. So let's look back at the good, and maybe look forward to see if we can't find more good.


And for the record, I'm doing this with no filter. No re-reading, no editing, no backtracking to change what I've written. This is as close to the real me as I will ever put onto the internet before the filter goes back on and the customer service facade goes back up. Anyway...

For starters, this whole thing started. I quit my day job at the end of 2020, I made my first few pitches at the start of 2021, and that led to me starting work on The Rising Son. Work on that has unfortunately ground to a halt due to financial concerns and a lack of time on the part of the artist, but both he and I are excited to get The Rising Son off the ground. The renders that are complete look great, and I really like the world we put together. Toyomi is my first attempt at a cyberpunk setting, and The Rising Son is my first attempt at a cyberpunk story in general. Even still, I think we got the vibe down right. It should be familiar to fans of the cyberpunk genre, with just enough that sets it apart to be at least a little memorable.

After writing out more for The Rising Son than I ever have for any other single project I've worked on (including over a decade of writing out personal projects for things like Dungeons & Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade), I got to learn how much I really love doing this type of work. I ended up writing (likely well over) ten thousand words per week for the first few months, just because I was excited to wake up and start building this world.

When work on The Rising Son slowed down, I saw it as an opportunity to explore the possibility of multiple projects. After looking around at some other projects, I found a few things I was interested in, but ultimately didn't try to adopt anything else because I wanted to be able to return to The Rising Son at a moment's notice. Remembering a Humble Bundle purchase I had made years ago, I went looking through my steam library and found RPG Maker VX Ace.

Then started Maids & Masters. I built out Arrival, the prequel demo, with the intention of spreading it around and seeing what the reaction was. Maybe I'd continue if there was an expressed demand. Then I found myself fiddling with RPGM idly, just trying to figure out how certain things worked. Over time, Maids & Masters started to become it's own thing, seemingly of its own volition. I was putting in 40, 50, 60, even 70 or 80 hours of work every week, just because I was so excited to bring this world to life. There were a few nights I had insomnia bad enough that going back to work was the only thing I wanted to do. Barely over four months later, and I'm already into my fifth major release, and I have yet to hear anything truly bad about the project. Some complaints and gripes, sure, but given that this is something I'm making for free on the internet, I was expecting at least one person to troll me, and it just hasn't happened.

2021 definitely wasn't a great year, but I can still call it a good year. Even if I basically no income and I'm bleeding money paying my bills, I'm happier than I've ever been.

For 2022, there's a new project I might be joining. I won't get too far into it right now, because it all still exists firmly in "maybe" territory, but it's a slightly more established project that (given the opportunity) I feel I could really elevate and help it become a more fully realized version of what it already is. Since it's already established, it would also mean some income, which is something I sorely need if I want to keep doing this past 2022.

That's not to say Maids & Masters will fall to the wayside. I still want MnM to be my primary project since it's my first solo foray into making video games. In a way, it's my first child, and I don't want to put it up for adoption or leave it unattended on a curb somewhere. Not only does that feel wrong, I still really like the world I built, and I really want to tell the rest of the story I've set up.

Speaking of Maids & Masters, the story is quickly nearing the end of the first act. After a supplemental update in the form of v0.5.1, my attention will shift largely to v0.6, which I'm hoping will not only be a large update, but a unique update. There are still a number of mechanics within RPGM that I want to explore, and I've got some ideas for v0.6 that should let me play around with those concepts a little bit. It will also present the first real antagonist. Lothario was already friendly, and Viridius just sort of rolled over because he was in a difficult position and Master made for an easy way out. This new Master - the mother of Bianca and Beverly - is one of "the bad Masters" that I keep trying to establish existing out in the world. Overcoming her will be genuinely arduous, and presents the first missable trophy since the Preserved Flower for Maila's funeral.

I really am looking forward to getting more of Maids & Masters out in the world. I really need to take some time to advertise and share the project with more than one community. The fact remains, though, that there are still a few of you that found your way to my Patreon page and chose to send some financial support my way. Given how little I've put into getting my project out there and asking for support, that tells me I've got something special here.

But more than all that, it tells me that there's at least a little demand for my talent as a writer and game developer, and that means more to me than literally anything has meant to me in a very, very long time. It is not an understatement to say it gets me out of bed in the morning. For all the work I've put into expanding my vocabulary and learning how to express thoughts and ideas through the written word, it is impossible for me to put into words how much that means to me. In the time it's taken me to make as much of MnM as I have, I've written down three new completely separate story seeds that could be games unto themselves, and that's not including a few ideas I already have brewing that could turn into a direct sequel to Maids & Masters. I have so much more to create and share, and knowing that there are people in the world who want me to share it is the best motivation I could ask for.

So thank you. Even if all you've done is download my game and read this article. Sincerely, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Here's hoping 2022 brings even more of the joy this last quarter of 2021 has brought me, and that I can share at least a little of that joy with you.

Happy New Year from The Mithril Hourglass.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Maids & Masters v0.5 Supporter Release

Just a tiny little Christmas Eve update to let anyone who pops in know that v0.5 is now available to the people on my Discord server. 

If you aren't on my Discord server, it's open to all of my supporters. A link is available on my Patreon page, If you want the new release right now, please consider supporting me.

I'll make a new post with the changelog once that release goes public.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Maids & Masters (& An Optimistic v0.5 Release Date)

Work on v0.5 continues, with all but one scene rendered (maybe two, we'll see how ambitious I feel) and three sections left to script (two of which are extra bits for the relevant trophy). This means all but one character is essentially done, and once that gets finished, it's one final pass and then playtesting for a release.

The uncomfortable bit is that one character has taken me roughly one day to script out, then another day to playtest until everything works the way I want it to, which is a relatively narrow way to playtest things. The reality is that this update could probably use another week to really smooth everything over and make sure everything is exactly how I want it. But that attitude will just lead to further delays while I nitpick myself into an early grave.

That's where the optimism comes in. If I cut out the bit that would be the conclusion to this segment, that also cuts out the week of extra development that this would otherwise need. That means I only need one day to finish what I've started, another day to complete the final character, and if I manage to squeeze my playtesting in between completing those two things and finish up in under a day, v0.5 will be out to my Discord server on Christmas Eve.

If you haven't joined my Discord server, it's available to all my Patrons. If you want to open your Christmas present early, please consider supporting me at

If you can't afford to support me, don't worry. The v0.5 update will still be going live on the downloads page (and anywhere else I decide to share it) and be free to download on New Year's Eve.

So if I don't see you on Patreon, hopefully I still see you before the end of the year. If I don't, stay warm, drink responsibly, drive safely, have a happy holiday season, and most importantly - stay cultured.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Maids & Masters (& v0.5 Development)

v0.5 is well underway. I'm trying very hard not to rush myself, because there are several new mechanics I'm trying out and I really don't want them to break anything, but I also really don't want to run short on time and not be able to fit in everything that I want. All the maps are done, as is all the basic groundwork and some early playtesting, but that's only maybe 15% of the work done. Maybe less.

I'm still hopeful, though. This update will be released to the public before the end of the year, and if I can manage it, to my supporters before Christmas. Which also marks the first supporter-first release, which is something I want to work into my release schedule. As mentioned in previous updates, MnM is and will always be free for everyone, but I want to recognize the difference that my supporters make for me.

As for the actual game, this upcoming segment is going to revolve around spending some one on one time with all your Maids. Ella's segment is already done and tested, Emily's segment is mostly done but not tested, and bits of Phoebe's segment are done. Everyone else I have a good idea for, but Melissa's and Jenny's segments both need a bit more consideration. The ideas I originally had in mind were relatively shallow, and I want this update to have a bit of meat to it, even if it is going to be almost entirely dialogue.

That includes optional content. There won't be any fights or dungeons new to v0.5; it's all focused on providing the opportunity for character moments. That doesn't mean there won't be secrets to find, though. After completing a Maid's segment, she'll still be available to party up with again, and you can wander the Estate and Cumhaill and learn more about your Maids by interacting with different things. Some segments will leave things behind for you to interact with, and different Maids might have different things to say when you interact with it.

The last thing I want to mention is that there is only going to be one trophy for v0.5. If you've been paying attention, you might've noticed that each major update fills a new section of the walls on the third floor with trophies. v0.5 will break that trend (only for v0.6 to get things back on track with three trophies). Each Maid will have a hidden bonus objective that you'll need to complete in order to receive the trophy. Most of these objectives will be pretty simple, and they'll all be something you can do even if you complete that Maid's segment, but (as with the other trophies) there won't be much in the way of guidance in the game on how to achieve the trophy. 

I think that's everything. Here's hoping I can keep up this pace of completing roughly one segment per day so I can get you all something for Christmas. Stay cultured out there.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Maids & Masters (& It's First Winter)

With winter underway, it's time for work on the winter update to begin. This won't be a Christmas update exactly - though I'm hoping to have the update out just before Christmas, the setting doesn't have a comparable holiday.

The first few maps are already done, leaving just static events that need updating before development on the next segment can begin. I did want a bit longer than I'm giving myself to work on this update, but it's small enough in scope that it should be easy to get everything done with time to spare.

After stomping your way across roughly a third of Commorance, I figure it'd be nice to take some time off and weather the Freeze with your Maids and get some quality time in. So that's what the winter update will be. No combat, no politics, just a bit of playing in the snow and enjoying the company.

Depending on the extra time I have available, I'll also be including some things with the Folk. The entire update will be taking place between the Estate and Cumhaill, so the Folk are going to be around, but I have some things I want to include to continue telling Cumhaill's story. I also have some ideas about how I want to do things, but only time will tell if it all works out the way I want it to.

Until then, Happy Holidays from The Mithril Hourglass.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Maids & Masters v0.4.3 Release

Not gonna lie, it feels really nice to not have a giant "to do" list for content that's already released. I'm all but certain there are still bits of the game that need more attention (looking at you, Lothario), but it's December and I need to get to work on the winter update so that I can get it out before the end of the year without rushing myself.

So, for this update, we've got four new trophies, a handful of new maps (not all of which are relevant to those trophies), a whole bunch of new items to find in various places, a new (though very small) new optional Hold, and of course plenty of secrets for the curious to find.

I want to enjoy at least half a day off before I dig too deep into work on v0.5, so instead of rambling for another half of a page, here's the changelog. As usual, the downloads page will be updated as soon as uploads finish, and the download will be available elsewhere in the near future.

Reworked the map for the road north, making it smaller and adding secrets.
Reworked the hints for the uncle’s key; they should provide much clearer direction.
Added Willow to various locations.
Added the uncle’s key quest to Quest Tracking.
Added more secrets to uncle’s Estate.
Added more secrets and yellow flower paths to various maps.
Added Holds to the calculation for Silcrow payouts in Emily’s shop.
Added inventory checks to most collectible items to avoid waste due to the item cap.
Added a trader to the tent in the wilds near Cumhaill as part of the v0.4 post game.
Added side quests to Augalamh, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added side quests to Ventire, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added Trophy Number 9, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added Trophy Number 10, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added Trophy Number 11, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added Trophy Number 12, restoring cut content intended for v0.4.
Added new maps in support of Trophy Number 11.
Fixed a bug where the Cumhaill trader would take all your fangs instead of the offered amount.
Fixed a bug with the Cumhaill trader where the number of antidotes received was incorrectly displayed.
Fixed a bug where the Quinn event would lock up if she joined the player and left again.
Updated the entrance to Deirlinn’s grove to match the yellow flower indicator.
Updated the threshold to unlock Deirlinn’s scene to be slightly lower.
Updated the ruined homes in the wilds leading to Lothario’s Estate.
Updated the Fekhacht entrance hexagram to trigger when walked on instead of interacted with.
Updated various bookshelves in support of Trophy Number 9.
Updated various maps and events in support of Trophy 10.
Updated Augalamh in various ways in support of Trophy 11.
Updated the Nithercott Estate grounds to be smaller, among various other updates.
Updated Fekhacht - wood is now lootable, as well as other secrets and additions.
Various other map, dialogue, and event updates and fixes.

Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)