

Maids & Masters - Early Access

The latest version of the main Maids & Masters game, now with indefinite early access.


Maids & Masters - Public Version

The latest public version of the main Maids & Masters game.

Maids & Masters: Arrival

A short prequel to the full Maids & Masters game. Saves can be carried forward!

More projects (such as the April Fool's Day specials and demos for potential future projects) are also available on my itch page! 

Click here to visit the page and see what else I've been up to.

If any links are broken, please leave a comment specifying which one so I can address it.


  1. Replies
    1. F5 toggles the game in and out of Fullscreen mode.
      F6 toggles the game window size when not in Fullscreen mode.


Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Starting on v0.20)