Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Maids & Masters (& An Optimistic v0.5 Release Date)

Work on v0.5 continues, with all but one scene rendered (maybe two, we'll see how ambitious I feel) and three sections left to script (two of which are extra bits for the relevant trophy). This means all but one character is essentially done, and once that gets finished, it's one final pass and then playtesting for a release.

The uncomfortable bit is that one character has taken me roughly one day to script out, then another day to playtest until everything works the way I want it to, which is a relatively narrow way to playtest things. The reality is that this update could probably use another week to really smooth everything over and make sure everything is exactly how I want it. But that attitude will just lead to further delays while I nitpick myself into an early grave.

That's where the optimism comes in. If I cut out the bit that would be the conclusion to this segment, that also cuts out the week of extra development that this would otherwise need. That means I only need one day to finish what I've started, another day to complete the final character, and if I manage to squeeze my playtesting in between completing those two things and finish up in under a day, v0.5 will be out to my Discord server on Christmas Eve.

If you haven't joined my Discord server, it's available to all my Patrons. If you want to open your Christmas present early, please consider supporting me at

If you can't afford to support me, don't worry. The v0.5 update will still be going live on the downloads page (and anywhere else I decide to share it) and be free to download on New Year's Eve.

So if I don't see you on Patreon, hopefully I still see you before the end of the year. If I don't, stay warm, drink responsibly, drive safely, have a happy holiday season, and most importantly - stay cultured.

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Maids & Masters (& Following Up On v0.20)