Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Maids & Masters (& v0.5 Development)

v0.5 is well underway. I'm trying very hard not to rush myself, because there are several new mechanics I'm trying out and I really don't want them to break anything, but I also really don't want to run short on time and not be able to fit in everything that I want. All the maps are done, as is all the basic groundwork and some early playtesting, but that's only maybe 15% of the work done. Maybe less.

I'm still hopeful, though. This update will be released to the public before the end of the year, and if I can manage it, to my supporters before Christmas. Which also marks the first supporter-first release, which is something I want to work into my release schedule. As mentioned in previous updates, MnM is and will always be free for everyone, but I want to recognize the difference that my supporters make for me.

As for the actual game, this upcoming segment is going to revolve around spending some one on one time with all your Maids. Ella's segment is already done and tested, Emily's segment is mostly done but not tested, and bits of Phoebe's segment are done. Everyone else I have a good idea for, but Melissa's and Jenny's segments both need a bit more consideration. The ideas I originally had in mind were relatively shallow, and I want this update to have a bit of meat to it, even if it is going to be almost entirely dialogue.

That includes optional content. There won't be any fights or dungeons new to v0.5; it's all focused on providing the opportunity for character moments. That doesn't mean there won't be secrets to find, though. After completing a Maid's segment, she'll still be available to party up with again, and you can wander the Estate and Cumhaill and learn more about your Maids by interacting with different things. Some segments will leave things behind for you to interact with, and different Maids might have different things to say when you interact with it.

The last thing I want to mention is that there is only going to be one trophy for v0.5. If you've been paying attention, you might've noticed that each major update fills a new section of the walls on the third floor with trophies. v0.5 will break that trend (only for v0.6 to get things back on track with three trophies). Each Maid will have a hidden bonus objective that you'll need to complete in order to receive the trophy. Most of these objectives will be pretty simple, and they'll all be something you can do even if you complete that Maid's segment, but (as with the other trophies) there won't be much in the way of guidance in the game on how to achieve the trophy. 

I think that's everything. Here's hoping I can keep up this pace of completing roughly one segment per day so I can get you all something for Christmas. Stay cultured out there.

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Maids & Masters (& Following Up On v0.20)