Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Maids & Masters (& Back To Progressing On The Remaster)

Turns out I skipped a few bits when I started working on the first Freeze event, but now those skipped parts are reworked, have the quest log implemented, and are tested, and the first freeze itself is also tested with all the new feature implementations.

That leaves the Amaira Estate, Lalita's Estate, Baleflight Manor, and the second Freeze to rework for the test build to be completely done before implementing animations and new content. Is that a ton of work for me to try to do in four days? Yes. Am I going to work 15 hour days to try to get it done anyway? Probably also yes. If it doesn't get done, it'll be because my friends saved me from myself.

I'm committed to getting a test build out this Friday regardless, though. The first test build was never going to be feature-complete, and it's a test build, so if the last hour or two of the game isn't quite fully implemented, then it is what it is. There's a lot of work that affects the entire game that's done now, though, so hopefully these sections will go fairly quickly. Renders have been reorganized and re-implemented (a requirement brought on by file path changes) and now all the scenes work (or at least the repeatable ones do; I've been doing my testing with them broken before yesterday). The common events (mostly stuff you aren't supposed to notice, like the Master's sprite staying on Master when the engine desperately wants to make it whichever Maid is in your first party slot) are all rebuilt and working, along with the new common events that handle things like being able to sell Contracts. The quest log is also completely built out, leaving implementation as the only step left there.

The biggest thing was getting certain events entirely re-written. There weren't many, but there were a handful of events (mostly involving Jenny and Viridius) that, while I think they conveyed the message and character growth I wanted, felt preachy, or were sub-par, missed an important story element, or were otherwise not as good as I wanted them to be. I'm much, much happier with those events now. There are still a couple left to go (mostly involving Bianca) that will change how a few events happen, but having seen a number of people completely misinterpret those events, they need to change. The story itself and broad events won't change, but the dialogue and context will change significantly (but hopefully subtly enough that if you're familiar with those scenes you won't really notice or care about the changes made). Past that, I just need to rip out the existing "post game" infrastructure so you can't accidentally time travel and break the game.

Then it's just the other month's worth of work I've created for myself as part of this remaster process.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)