Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Maids & Masters (& A Release Date For 0.4.2)

All the missing renders and scenes that were originally intended for the currently released content are done and implemented, they just need some final playtesting to make sure everything works. The renders for the various issues of Stay Clean Quarterly are also done, and just need to be implemented and tested. 

I'm aiming for another weekend release, so it's likely that the side quests for v0.3 and v0.4 won't be implemented for v0.4.2. There's a possibility for a few to be complete in time for the weekend, but it definitely won't be all of them.

There is one side quest that will for sure be done, though: Quinn. Quinn is the first optional Maid and can be encountered in the east swamps. I'm still working on exactly how the mechanics for the event that introduces her work, but I'm reasonably confident that all I need to do is a bit of playtesting and tweaking and she'll be all set. 

I'm also hoping to get the wilds north of Ventire reworked for this release, but how much time I have for that will depend on how much tweaking and fixing the other changes need before they're ready for release. That dungeon should be getting simultaneously simpler and more complex. It will be simpler in that it will be going from a 3-switch puzzle to a 2-switch puzzle. This means it will have fewer variations in the map to mentally keep track of, and it will be easier to avoid locking yourself in. It will be getting more complex in that I feel the current iteration is a bit too easy to solve. If my memory is correct, it's possible to solve the dungeon in two switch flips, not counting the first "tutorial" switch. Even attempting to playtest alternate solutions, I found it laughably easy to accidentally solve the puzzle before making a conscious effort to solve it. The rework should bring the dungeon closer to my original intention, and more importantly, make it more fun to work your way through.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)