Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Maids & Masters v0.3.1 Release

Well, the crash I've been dreading happened over the weekend. Thankfully only about half a day's work was lost and it was mostly re-done by the end of the day, so it's not too big of a speed bump. 

Other than that, most of the maps are done for the next version. This is shaping up to be a bigger update than I originally intended, and as a result, I'll probably end up cutting the lewder end of the content for the sake of getting the main story update out.  If you're someone who is disappointed by that news, don't worry too much. Once v0.4 is out, my main focus is going to be on quality of life improvements and filling in all of that cut content. The new characters that don't or won't have scenes will have those filled in, there will be new maps and side quests, and things that should work better than they currently do will work more in line with intention.

For this update, the Estate ruins at the north end of the northern forest is now open. To set expectations, this section has been rather minimally playtested and is still in development. This section of the game is almost assuredly going to change, and has a few known errors in it. Please consider this area more of a preview than final content. This content can't currently be completed for that reason, even though the start of the side quest that involves this area has been available since v0.3.

With that in mind, please don't hesitate to report any bugs, glitches, or other issues you do happen across. I'd rather hear that people are encountering a known issue than have issues and hear nothing about them.

Here's the changelog for v0.3.1. I meant to have this released here yesterday, so the delay on uploading to other places will be much shorter than usual. The downloads page will be updated as soon as the new version finishes uploading.

Added missing masters Estate (missing masters quest not yet completable).
Added animations to enemy skills that didn’t have them.
Fixed more doors in the player’s Estate.
Minor enemy rebalance.
Minor world map updates.
Updated some sound effects.
Replaced more placeholder assets.
Fixed a bug where you could find Maila before intended.
Fixed a bug where Phoebe would explain the hidden grove shack before joining the party.

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