Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Maids & Masters v0.2.1 Release

Development on v0.3 is well underway, with most of the maps for the new areas being basically done. Events are everywhere, NPCs are being built, and things are being reviewed for inclusion. I'm aiming to have the turnaround time on v0.3 be considerably shorter than the first two major releases, and so far I'm on track to hit that goal. Here's hoping nothing implodes on me between now and then.


Regarding future releases, v0.4 is going to end up being the Halloween update, and if v0.3 doesn't give me any trouble, I should be able to release v0.4 right on All Hallows Eve. Maybe even a day earlier, so you can enjoy your spooks on spook day. The one downside is that the original plan I had for the Halloween content was much more in-depth and feels like it should be something for higher level content, so most of this release is basically going to just be preview content for what that will look like. That does give me a little more space to explore the season of The Haunt and what that means for the setting, which I'm looking forward to exploring in more detail.

It should also give me a little more space to do what I want with v0.5 (and possibly v0.6) which gives me plenty of space to figure out what to do with v0.7 (or whatever the Holiday release version ends up being). But that's getting a little too lost in future weeds.


For more immediate releases, v0.2.1 is now up on the downloads page, and will be up elsewhere in the next day or so.


 v0.2.1 doesn't have a ton of changes, but here's the changelog.

Minor map updates (“yellow flower” paths should be easier to follow).
Fixed a bug that allowed entry to the deep wilds before intended.
Added sunshafts to indicate the presence of windows.
Added more interior windows and associated events to interact with.
Added more interactions with various objects.
Updated hints regarding the quest that rewards Trophy 6.
Fixed various shadows.
Other minor map and dialogue updates.

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