My brain is still mush in the wake of completing v0.20, so this post isn't going to have any active development news. I do still want to thank those of you that sent in bug reports; there were a couple bugs found in the new content for v0.20 that now have a patch available to fix them, and v0.20 has been pre-patched and re-uploaded so the patch is only necessary if you downloaded the game during release weekend. Only one of those bugs was truly game-breaking, but the other bug disabled a feature that I'm sure a number of players will find useful, so I'm glad to have both issues fixed.
I do want to do a bit of a post-mortem on what the "strategy mechanics" in the change log pertain to, but I need a little more time to recover before making my brain slog through all of that again.
So this week, all I really want to do is lay out my plans for the rest of Maids & Masters as the game approaches completion.
First up is going to be the next April build. It's something I really wanted to make for last year because it's something people will not stop asking for, but I just didn't have time. With v0.20 done, I kinda do have time this year. I also don't want to go back and make it after Maids & Masters is complete, so if I'm doing it either this year or never.
After that, it's on to v0.21. v0.21 might end up being the first major update that doesn't include mechanics that are something I've never before. It will still be a fairly large number of maps, but despite that, I'm expecting v0.21 to be pretty straightforward, so it shouldn't take too long to complete. Being brave, I'd say v0.21 will release in April. Being cautious, it may not release until May.
When v0.21 is done, work on v0.22 will start, which will most likely be the last story update. I might end up splitting it up into two updates, because I want the final region and "estate" to be more content-dense, but it's hard to say exactly how much work that's going be. Mechanically, v0.22 should also be fairly straightforward, but I want to give the "end boss" some extra attention. Things like multiple phases and choices so the end of the story forms over the course of the fight instead of pulling a Mass Effect and just giving you a choice box. It's hard to say how that will all pan out, but I'm hoping v0.22 will release in May. It'll probably take until June or July knowing how things usually go, but I want to be optimistic.
Once v0.22 is out, v1.0 will happen when I've finished all the side content. This is mostly the character quests, since all the Maids are meant to have 3 or 4 character quests and they currently only have 1, but there's a bit of post-game content I want to add, too. If all goes well, v1.0 and everything I want to do with Maids & Masters will be complete right around its 4th anniversary.
With the release of v1.0, the rest of the year will be spent on Precious Kouhai so that project isn't sitting at v0.2 forever, supporting Maids & Masters with bugfix releases, and getting started on whatever the Patreon/Subscribestar poll decides I should start working on next.