Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.16)

Ambrose City is now completely finished (minus fixing any bugs I haven't found yet) and the trophy for the area is now implemented. That brings the city up to 21 maps total across two different districts, containing three locations dedicated to special events, ten locations dedicated to different types of gear, five that have something for your Estate (mostly customization options, but there are a couple other things to find), the two area maps connecting all the shops, and a handful of other things just for flavor.


Between the special event(s) that the trophy unlocks and the new sub-system that becomes available with some of the new Estate customizations, there are also just shy of 100 new renders in this update, not counting anything I render for the story itself. Hopefully you have fun finding all of those, because I had fun making them, and that's a lot more renders than is normal for me.

With that done, I can now focus on building out the Ambrose mansion and putting together the actual story. My mind has been a little more scattered than I'd like on that front, but I'm going to blame that on having so many things I want to do that I'm losing focus on what the story needs in order to move forward. There are definitely a few select beats that I want to hit no matter what, but there are a few other things - like how many negotiation segments there should be, what those should be about, how those will affect the story and where that will leave certain things going into Act 3 - that I'm not 100% settled on what I want to do with just yet.

Things are still coming along at a good pace, though. It's been really nice getting a number of things complete and being happy enough with it that I actually let myself relax for a few hours at the end of the day instead of feeling like I haven't done enough to move on and working 14-hour days. I still don't want to jinx it by promising anything at this stage, but I'm hopeful that I'll actually be able to fit in the content that was missing from v0.15.2 and not have quite so massive of a backlog of optional content and QoL additions. Especially since some of those will be necessary for the cult segments coming up.

I'm pretty happy with how the new progression of regular test builds has been going, too. If you're not familiar yet, near-weekly test builds have been going to VIPs and patch notes have been going to my other paid Patrons over on Patreon. If you want in on those test builds (or just the patch notes, along with early access to all my updates, weekly posts, an invite to my private Discord server, and whatever else I can come up with) I'd really appreciate it if you stopped by and considered giving me some support. This year has been particularly rough in a lot of ways, so a sub even that bottom tier would mean a lot.

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