Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Maids & Masters (& Starting on v0.16)

v0.16 is mostly in the map creation stage at this point, but between following up on getting v0.15.2 out the door, having enough content to justify a v0.15.3, and wanting to get rolling on the rest of this game's story, there's still plenty to talk about.

For the content that I had wanted to be in v0.15.2 (and could make v0.15.3, but we aren't doing v0.15.3), there's obviously June's and Chloe's affection quests, but v0.16 is also introducing the last (planned) optional Maid, and she'll need her own affection quest eventually. Plus there's trophy 31 that never got implemented, and I've been wanting to do that for a while. And then there's a whole extra wave of love shack content. 

See, love shack content is meant to evolve as you complete affection quests. The cabin scenes change in some way after completing that Maid's affection quest (what changes varies depending on the Maid), and new fireside conversations are meant to open up. I've also meant to add a second fireside chat for each Maid for a while now so there's less repetition in conversation even before completing affection quests, and after completing affection quests there's meant to be a choice tree conversation that gets added to the pool of random conversations so you have a little more control over seeing all the dialogue while keeping chats randomized.

And that's before getting into the second (and third, and for some Maids, fourth) wave of affection quests, all the love shack and extra content those are meant to unlock, adding more random events to the Estate (both related to and unrelated to affection quests), and figuring out exactly how to implement some of the more unique rewards that are meant to come with later affection quests.

Though not all of that can be added right now, as some of those quests (like Ella's and Emily's) will require you to have access to the desert regions north of the mountains, and like I've mentioned, I want to get rolling on the rest of the game's story.

Which brings us to finally visiting the Ambrose Estate, which is a little different from every other Estate in that there's a proper city attached to it. Where some Estates have villages attached (like the Read Estate and Roich, and the Bancroft Estate and Magach), the Ambrose City is a place of commerce as much as it is a place to live, and offers Servants a means to work and earn a living for themselves without working directly for a Master (though they do qualify as Ambrose Servants, so don't get any funny ideas).

This also gives me an opportunity to do something I've never done in the game before - make a normal shop.

Of course, the pricing of things is going to be a little weird. Buying individual items is going to come with a ridiculous mark-up compared to getting shipments through the Contracts you can buy from Emily. That said, it'll give you a way to just outright buy things like Scrap material or early tiers of gear, as well as opportunities to get rid of early tiers of gear you've grown out of in exchange for materials or maybe even Silcrow.

There's also a few shops that aren't strictly commercial that I want to turn into their own set of randomized events, like a tea shop you can buy a membership to and then sit down with a random Maid for a little time off, provided that's a thing you decide you want to do in the middle of Archibald's Estate. 

My overall plan right now is to finish everything I want to do with the Ambrose Estate/City, finish the story for the segment, and get that last optional Maid implemented to get v0.16 to a "finished" state, and depending on how long all of that takes, start adding in content that was meant for v0.15.2. It's still too early to even know if I'll have a test build ready for VIP Patrons this Friday, much less how much (if any) of that content will make it in, and I don't want to miss putting out a monthly release, but you best believe I'll be trying my best.

If you want to find out about that test build for yourself (and see the patch notes for the test build), I'd really appreciate it if you considered taking a look at my Patreon. Continued development wouldn't be possible without my Patrons, and every little bit counts.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Maids & Masters v0.15.2 Release

Patrons have started getting more specific notes as I put out test builds for VIPs, so the only major call-out here is that June and Chloe aren't included in this round of affection quests for a number of reasons. Other than that, some of these affection quests cover a few things that people have been asking about for a while, so hopefully this will give you some answers that you've wanted.


If you want more details, please do consider supporting me on Patreon. It's my most reliable source of income, and it's rarely easy making sure an update worth playing goes out every month. Plus, you get more than just patch notes; I do content polls, there's an invite-only Discord, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

And now: the changelog.

Added the first affection quest for all Maids except June and Chloe.
- Affection quests become available once Act 2 is started by meeting with Evdokia.
- All affection quests require that Maid’s affection score to be at least 25 before triggering.
- Some quests have an additional unlock requirement, such as completing an Act 2 segment.
- Rewards vary; some only increase affection, some are generic, others have unique rewards.
- Unique rewards include new scenes, random events, Estate customizations, and more.
Added a bugfix feature to discover Emily’s Estate Info entry on entering her shop.
Added additional “invisible walls” to Clannestad to prevent possible crashes.
Added more locations for the effect of Trophy 27 to take place.
Fixed a bug that caused the sprite for Trophy 27 to not appear in the trophy room.
Fixed a bug where teleporting out of the Hold near Ventíre would put you in a Haunt map.
Fixed a bug that could disable random events in the library after completing the second Haunt.
Fixed a bug where the Homing Stone may provide options it isn’t intended to provide.
Fixed a bug that made Vendra think she was pregnant when she wasn’t.
Fixed bugs that caused Auda to say the wrong number when you gave or took stored supplies.
Updated Big Dick’s fence to not mention Chicken 69 when you’re not near him.
Updated the player Estate’s upper floor event randomizer to accommodate affection quests.
Updated several minor things in Lalita’s Estate to accommodate her affection quest.
Updated the Love Shack instance of Punchinella to tell you the present Maid’s affection score.
Updated some infrastructure that affects how Ivy changes the Estate garden.
Updated the June Cowgirl and Chloe Standing scenes to be properly replayable.
Various other minor map, dialogue, and event updates.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Maids & Masters (& A Release Date For v0.15.2)

Well, as anticipated, I'm definitely not finding enough time to get all of the content I originally wanted to include in here while still hitting the release for Friday. Even fitting June and Chloe in there will be a pretty tight squeeze, and may not happen. However, I'm very happy to announce that I am, in fact, hitting that release date. v0.15.2 will be available to Patrons on Patreon and through early access on itch this Friday, the 26th.

Despite all my talk of not putting in as much as I'd like, there's still a ton going on in this update. If you're a Patron, you'll already know that Lalita's affection quest alone adds a load of new paintings (more than 20) for you to customize your Estate's gallery with, and there are still a bunch of other customization options to choose from that come from some of the other affection quests, including some additional sub-systems within the customization room to use the Scrap items to build yet more new items. That last thing is something I really wanted to spend more time on to really open up options (and let you earn some affection with Auda without going to the love shack finally) but with everything going on, I simply don't have the time to build it out for this update.

Aside from all the customization options these quests unlock, there's also a bunch of new renders and animations (exactly 103 renders and 6 new animations at the time I'm writing this), new random Estate events, new infrastructure and sub-systems to handle implementing the new content (and in the case of the futanari content, the ability to toggle it on through a new item; for those who aren't interested, it defaults to off and will stay that way whether you complete Vicky's affection quest or not) and it's built in a way that allows me to add content in the future without needing to restructure or break something. That means I can catch up on the content I missed including relatively easily once I have the time to develop it.

As for when that content will finally make it in - I don't know. It feels like it's about time to move on to v0.16 and the second half of Act 2, and once I finish Act 2 and start with Act 3, I know I'm going to want my primary focus to be on making Maids & Masters story-complete. I'm already laying out different possibilities for how to tackle. Finishing the game is not the end - I still intend on supporting it through post-game content and maybe a little extra for Patrons and people who purchased early access as an extra "thank you" for the financial support, but sometimes it feels like I'm getting too far ahead of myself and this is definitely one of those times.

Which brings us back to v0.16, and Friday's release of v0.15.2. I hope you're looking forward to it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maids & Masters (& v0.15.2 & Somber News)

I have some good news, and some sad news. 

The good news is that I managed to get nearly 4 more affection quests done over the weekend. Two of the four completed are on the more complex side, and a third (the one that isn't quite finished) is definitely more complex (or at least more render-heavy than most). I'm hoping to get that one finished today, and if I can keep this pace up with the simpler affection quests, I might have 6 or 7 new affection quests done for the test build. I was hoping for more, but with some of the new affection quests being the more complicated ones, I should still have v0.15.2 ready for Patrons on the 26th.

I say "should" because of the sad news. Like I've said in the past, I don't want to get too personal here and only want to share personal news where it affects development - but this is definitely going to affect development, at least in the short term. My grandmother passed away over the weekend. Between funeral preparations and attending the funeral, along with everything else that comes with a death in the family, I'm obviously going to lose a few days I'd otherwise be able to dedicate to development. Like I said above, I'm hoping this won't result in delays, but I'm almost certainly not going to be able to fit in as much content as I'd originally wanted to.

I'll leave things there for now. I may put up a poll for Patrons to see if a delay is preferred so v0.15.2 is more complete or if these things should wait until v0.16, but that's for another day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Maids & Masters (& A Post About v0.15.2, Finally)

I'm a smidge behind schedule thanks to the inordinately busy last couple of weeks, but development on v0.15.2 is actually in full swing. There's a whole 20 affection quests to put together along with a good number of other things I want to try and fit into this update, so while this isn't a story update, it's probably going to be one of the biggest updates I've put out. It's basically both the first and second Freeze updates put together, plus extras.

As of right now, 5 of those affection quests are done, and roughly half of the background infrastructure around the affection quests as a whole is done. With as busy as the new client work as been keeping me, that pace is probably going to more or less hold steady. That means v0.15.2 is probably going to be ready at the end of the month. Not to say that v0.15.2 may not be ready in time for a July release. v0.15.2 will  release on the 26th at the latest, but some of those extras may not be present despite some of them being more than a little overdue to be put into the game (and the update may be a little light on playtesting, which is a little more important for some of this because it uses existing infrastructure in a number of places for the affection quests to function).


What I would like to do is get both v0.15.2 plus Precious Kouhai v0.3 out this month to make up for last month's only release being the Dawnfall demo, but with where I am mentally and creatively, I really want to knuckle down and try to get MnM story-complete shortly after the start of 2025. Reaching that goal isn't impossible; once v0.15.2 goes out, if I stay focused on story-centric updates and ignore additional side content (while still leaving room for a Haunt and Freeze update for October and December), there's roughly 7 major updates left; two more for Act 2, two for the holidays, and three for Act 3. Of course, that would result in pretty large updates, and keeping up with monthly releases for updates that big would be difficult at best. It's more likely that Act 2 will have 3 more updates and Act 3 will be closer to 5 updates, but this is all generalized speculation for the future anyway.

For now, I'll have a test build go out to VIP Patrons on Patreon each Friday until v0.15.2 is ready for proper release. I'll also be trying something new to accompany these test builds for the rest of my Patrons, sharing a preview of the content in the test build and giving a short summary of what the test build contains, instead of just posting the test build for VIPs like I've largely done in the past. After that, it's on to v0.16 and the second half of Act 2.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Summer Adult Games Bundle

Sunshine. Beach weather. Girls in bikinis. What's not to love?

The Summer Adult Games bundle includes over 50 games from over 40 developers, including over $20 worth of games you'd otherwise have to pay full price to get! 

So what are you waiting for? Jump on in, the water's fine!


This bundle comes with stretch goals!

Once the bundle reaches it's initial goal of $2000 in contributions, the stretch goals will be added below. Once reached, stretch goals will be made available for everyone right here on the bundle page!

$2000 - Stretch goals unlocked!

The bundle hasn't even been live for 48 hours yet,  and we're already just over 30% of the way to unlocking the stretch goals! If you're able, please consider supporting these developers; many are on the smaller side despite working for years on some great games. Or, share the bundle with a friend - there's lots there, and it's free!

And if you want a hint at what the stretch goals might include, let's say you might get to see a little more of Summer.

Most Recent Update

Spooky Adult Games Bundle