Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Maids & Masters (& Act 2 Part 2 & Patreon)

As expected, I'm still busy with playing through the game, so this is going to be another fairly boring post. I'm close to the end of current content, so the actual playthrough won't take much longer, but I do have some outside work to take care of as well, so I won't have much in the way of development news for a little while.

That said, playing through the game again has still been productive. Most of the errors I'm finding are smaller nit-pick type things, but I'm glad I'm getting them fixed. I also had some concerns about the length of the more recent updates, and playing through the game again as a player has more or less set that concern to rest. There's a lot of game in Maids & Masters, and I'm happy with (and occasionally surprised by) myself for making what I have.

Self-aggrandizing aside, I do have some news to share. First, the less fun news - between outside work and keeping up the pace on my own projects, I haven't found the time to make an April Fool's project. As much fun as they are, I just don't have time this year. In more exciting news, I've found out that I'm eligible for a feature I've been wanting to implement on Patreon, so I've been looking at other potential changes to go alongside it. Right now, there's a poll open to Patrons that will be closing the Friday after next (April 5th) regarding changing how early access works for Patrons. If you're a Patron (or are considering being one and want to get a vote in) click that link and leave a vote. If you're not a Patron, a public version of the poll will be going out to gather more information this Friday. That poll will also close on April 5th.

Once both polls are closed and Patrons have had ample time to make their voices heard, I'll be making another post on April 5th to announce the new feature along with whether or not the change to early access is being implemented. It's not a huge change, but the votes have been tied since the poll launched, so I'm eager to find out what everyone thinks of the potential changes.

After that, it's back to development, and I'll have some more substantial news regarding the updates coming in the second half of Maids & Masters Act 2.

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Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)