Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Maids & Masters (& Progress On v0.10.1)

I would've liked to say I finished implementing the animations for this post, but I didn't quite get there. It's just the mind maze and Griselda that's left, though. The mind maze won't be that hard to implement for, but Griselda will be a little trickier because of the way that event is set up. I'll need to do some specific testing on that to make sure it all functions as intended. Same with some of the love shack events, but those are at least implemented already and only need testing and adjusting.

Based on where I am now, hitting that projected release for the 16th feels likely, and VIP Patrons can expect a test build on Friday. That doesn't leave a ton of time for testing, but for the most part, this shouldn't be hard to test, it's just testing everything to make sure I didn't miss anything like a dingus. Infrastructure for the random events has already been tested in the few that already exist in-game (like Willow's trophy scene), so it's just making sure the same event script will roll for all the different random events available, and reroll correctly for the "weighted rolls" mechanic.

And just as a heads up, thanks to better compression rates for the file type used for the video assets, the game might actually get smaller in size due to those video files replacing at least two images. I don't want anyone to panic and think things are being taken out of the game if you're the type of person to pay attention to the file size.

Another heads up, specifically for VIP Patrons - there likely won't be many random events in the test build. Work that isn't MnM is going to take up some of my time this week, so I can't dedicate as much time as I'd like to fitting those in. 

One last thing for everyone else - I'm looking at rebuilding some of my pages in the near future to increase the 'production quality' of things, including my Patreon page. I'll have a public poll go up this weekend to gauge interest in things like current and potential tier benefits, so if that's something that interests you, keep an eye out for that.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)