Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Maids & Masters (& More Progress On The Remaster)

I'm now up to the first freeze in terms of implementing the quest log and testing the base game. The quests haven't been implemented yet, but the quests have been created for the first freeze. The unfortunate part of things is that this is becoming more and more of a slog. It should only take me another week, hopefully less, to get the remaining quests created and implemented, but doing this work has felt increasingly like trying to push my way through a brick wall with my bare hands.

But I will push through. That wall is coming down, this remaster is happening, and the work will get done. It might take me longer than I'd like, but once I'm on the other side of this, I should have something to show for it. Since reworking and animating all the scenes is something I want to do in tandem, I'll probably wait to do it in hopes that I'll have something to show off this weekend in a test build.

Speaking of, I think I'll do a staggered release of the first test build of the remaster for Patrons. It'll still go out to VIPs first like normal, then go to the next tier every week. That'll let me share my work in a more meaningful and tangible way before the final build actually gets published while I finish making all the changes and additions.

If you aren't already a Patron, all the remaster polls are still open! Despite what that first paragraph might indicate, I do still want to work. I still love what I do. It just feels more like work lately. Getting to talk with you about my work is something I always enjoy, and getting to talk while I'm still building the remaster is a great time to share any thoughts you might have, even if it's just leaving your vote in those polls. If you're interested in voting or chatting in my Discord server, you can join my Patreon by clicking here.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)