Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Upcoming Demo: Redemption Harem's Setting and Battle Systems

I'm kinda behind on getting this out, but that's what I get for trying to work ahead to avoid life being hectic. Anyway, the next demo (side note, I'm learning a bit of photoshop, so some art assets should improve).


I'm not 100% sold on the title for this one, but it's descriptive, so it'll have to do for now. Redemption Harem is a dark fantasy RPG inspired by the Witcher and Native American (and to a lesser extent, Germanic) folklore where you capture monster girls and teach them how to be human again.


You play as Eckhard, a (renamable) Redeemer - a type of monster hunter that sees monsters for the humans they once were and focuses on curing them of their monstrous afflictions rather than killing them. You arrive at the fortress you call home home after spending several years in a kingdom to the west to find the fortress devoid of life. It's up to you to ply your trade as a hunter, master the Redeemer art of Blodwerk, grow the skills necessary to maintain your own well-being while caring for those you capture, and discover what happened in your absence.

In an effort to continue learning how best to use RPG Maker, I'm again doing some things very differently from how they're done in MnM while still being different from Love/Loss. I'm also trying to avoid using scripts for these demos, so some of these systems aren't going to work quite how I want them to due to system limitations (I can get the scripting right, but the events just don't run in a gameplay test), but the core idea will still be there. 

Firstly, the most apparent change from my other projects is the battle system. Redemption Harem has a much heavier focus on combat, so there are a number of things I'm trying to do to make combat feel the way I want it to feel while still being, you know, fun. The biggest change is that this will be the first of my projects to use RPG Maker's Side View battles, as well as the first to use the built-in ATB(Wait) system. This makes the Agility stat a much more important component in combat, and will open up new ways for you to approach how you hunt these monsters.

Next up is Redeemer Injections. These are the core of the crafting system. The idea with them is that you'll research what sort of monster you're hunting, preempt what this monster might try to do to you, and use Blodwerk - a type of alchemy unique to Redeemers - to create injections that will render you immune to the monster's abilities. These are used outside of combat as a preventative measure, much like you'd use things in the Witcher prior to a fight rather than in the middle of it. Each Injection will make you immune to a certain status effect as well as having an advantage and disadvantage. For example, one makes you immune to blind and massively increases your hit rate, but makes you slightly more vulnerable to fire damage. There's also a cap on how many of these you can use, so you can't just shove yourself full of Blodwerk and hope for the best.

The last thing I'll cover right now is the capture system. This is the biggest thing that won't work as intended for the sake of the demo. I've got this working great for single targets already, but as soon as there's more than one enemy on the field, it starts to break down. My original intention was to let you use the Capture status effect on regular enemies (instead of just the story hunts) so you could increase the amount of item drops you'd get from the enemy compared to just killing it. While the system does work, there's enough jank that you end up taking 1-2 turns while all enemies are captured, which leads to confusion as to whether or not you should do anything. The other option leads to combat massively slowing down while other enemies still exist, and the enemy you captured would just break out of the Capture status. There might be a script-free version of this that works, but I don't want this demo to take three months to make because one sub-system doesn't want to behave. This is still going to be a central mechanic, however. The core gameplay loop of the story - capturing monster girls to redeem - doesn't work without it. It will just be restricted to that specific use for the sake of the demo.

This post is way long, so I'm gonna go ahead and call it here. There's plenty more for me to talk about in terms of systems, so expect more of that next week.

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