Friday, May 6, 2022

Maids & Masters v0.6.3 Release

It feels a little rushed to be pushing this out the same day as putting out the public release for the previous version, but now that I've finally had some time to put into a more in-depth playtest... Hoo boy, v0.6.2 was way buggier than I intended it to be.

Most of the bugs should be squashed now, at least through all the content I've been re-working for the last two builds. Speaking of, this build includes the Lothario rework. As with the previous build, it is strongly recommended that if you have a save currently inside of Lothario's maps, save elsewhere in the old version before you load in the new version.

Pushing this out as quickly as I did does mean there will be a v0.6.4 update, but I'll likely take my time with that one. More on that on Tuesday. For now, here's your changelog. Download links will be up on the Patron-only Discord server as they finish uploading.


Reworked Lothario’s Estate; maps are smaller and some events may have moved or reset.

- Lothario’s hidden attic has been updated with new events and a new reward.

- Hints on how to find the hidden attic have been added.

- The main attic has been completely reworked and provides more exploration rewards.

- Asking about the secret attic after finding it now has a bigger impact on negotiations.

- Added three new introduction renders for Alice.

- The Servant’s quarters have been removed from the grounds and absorbed into the mansion.

- The “south wing” rooms have been removed, with the NPCs there being moved elsewhere.

- The bookshelves on the Estate have been updated to correctly count towards Trophy 9.

- Updated the dialogue for all of Lothario’s Maids.

- The western attic has been completely reworked and provides more exploration rewards.

- Updated the dancing Blondie’s behavior if you accept Lothario’s offer for her to entertain you.

Added events to Lothario to react to events happening at the Amaira Estate.

Added an instance of Bianca to the guest room in Lothario’s mansion.

Added missing Escort options to later instances of Teely.

Added fast travel options to the exit of Cumhaill.

Fixed a bug where the bonus for 10+ wolf pelts in Cumhaill sometimes wouldn’t trigger correctly.

Fixed a bug where some Scrap Wood objects would still delete with 99 in the inventory.

Fixed a bug where trees at the Augalamh pond wouldn’t add Scrap Wood to the inventory.

Fixed a bug where some Scrap Stone objects incorrectly gave Scrap Wood.

Fixed a bug where repairing the Master Bedroom could start earlier than intended.

Fixed a bug where entering the uncle’s Estate for the first time could cause the game to lock up.

Fixed a bug where a stair transfer in the uncle’s Estate would put the player in an invalid space.

Fixed a bug where Teely may transport the player to the wrong instance of the Master Bedroom.

Updated some tileset elements to better fit the tiles they occupy.

Updated gathering Scrap Wood to be a sound rather than a text notification for most objects.

Updated gathering Scrap Stone to be a sound rather than a text notification for most objects.

Updated “unlocking” sound effects to be a more appropriate sound.

Updated Emily’s shop so that purchasing more item Contracts (potions, etc.) gives more items.

Various other minor map, event, and dialogue updates and bug fixes.

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