Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Maids & Masters (& A v0.6.2 Release Date, Probably)

So, first things first - I am still going to try to get a release out this Friday for my Patrons, but currently the only real changes are the uncle's Estate being reworked and Teely being implemented. I'm debating pushing the release back another week so I can fit in some additional changes, but I also want to get the reworked uncle's Estate out to people so I can get feedback on any potential additional changes. So the release for v0.6.2 is probably going to be Friday, but if that doesn't happen, now you know why.

There are still a number of small changes I want to make to Uncle Gil's Estate, but given that they're rather small changes, I'm not sure it's really worth delaying anything over. Those aside, I'm looking forward to getting Lothario's Estate reworked as well; there are some decidedly larger changes I want to make for him, and there's playtesting I want to do that requires him being done first.

Implementing Teely has been more time consuming than expected as well. Her core functionality was simple enough, but she also needed all of her Freeze content (which includes a second scene and a whole new batch of renders, new events, new chat checks so that works as expected for all characters, her personal objectives for the Freeze, etc.). She's been fun enough to write, but it feels like every time I get close to having her fully implemented, there's another thing or two that gets added to the list. She's still really close to done, though. I'm hoping to get her done today (tomorrow?), which will hopefully leave me with enough time to work on some of the smaller things on my to-do list.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)