Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Maids & Masters (& Rebalances & Cut Content)

After all this crunch time, it's nice to not feel the need to work 15 hours in a day every day of the week. That said, there's still plenty to do and fix and add and everything else.

The first major change is to the equipment. If you paid any attention to the changelog, you probably noticed that "minor weapon/armor rebalance" was a fairly common note. After still not being happy about equipment within the same tier having some options be objectively better instead of being a choice for how you want to play the game, I made a spreadsheet and evened everything out. The difference isn't huge, so it shouldn't effect the overall balance of the game, but it does improve most pieces of equipment relative to their stats in the current release. I applied the same rules to future equipment as well, so there shouldn't be a need for further rebalancing going forward, but I'm always open to feedback and am willing to make changes based on it, so we'll see how things go.

On that note, how is the new content going for people? Aside from a single person, I haven't gotten any feedback about the difficulty of the game. Is the new content too difficult? Is the old content too easy? Is all combat tedious and you hate it? Have you mastered your Maid's abilities and your HP levels never drop below 90%? Are you from the future and none of this is an issue anymore? Let me know!

For the first bit of restored cut content, Viridius' ranch has been completed (short of playtesting and any final touches), so you will be able to explore the ranch house and its back yard starting in v0.4.1. I also plan to add some side quests to this area, which I hope to have added for v0.4.1, but my focus is on things besides side quests, so they might not exist until v0.4.2. It all depends on how much time these things take.

My main focus now for v0.4.1 is restoring the content that was cut from v0.3. Yes, that does technically include those side quests, but it also includes trophies (one of which has been added, and the other has been created but is not part of the test build yet) and the scenes with the new girls that haven't been added yet. I don't want to make those who are waiting for the adult content left hanging for any longer than absolutely necessary, but there are only so many hours in a day. On that note, v0.4.1 is slated to release next Tuesday at the latest. It might end up coming out over the weekend, but again, it depends on how much time these things take.

Lastly, a special shout out to everyone who has been sharing feedback! Even if it's just reporting bugs, being the sole person developing a game means I have to split my attention and time between every aspect of the game, and no matter how much playtesting is done, someone else will always try something I never even thought about and might run into bugs because of that. All the feedback and bug reports make it possible to improve the game in ways that otherwise wouldn't be possible. Thanks for doing that to those of you who do, and to those of you who don't: please don't be afraid to reach out. I do my best to check regularly and respond quickly, and I promise you'll never say anything about the game that's worse than the criticism I level at myself. 


Unless you're just trying to be mean. Don't be mean. Be cultured.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)