Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Maids & Masters (& New Renders For Old Magazines)

The busts vs portaits poll is now officially closed. Final tally for votes is 16 in favor of doing custom busts (including feedback from outside F95) and 4 votes in favor of doing RTP edits. So the majority of custom characters will be using the busts that are currently in the game. Though it is worth noting that there will still be other characters in the game that won't use these busts and will still use an edit or variant of RTP assets, these characters will mostly be NPCs and antagonists, not player party characters. I apologize in advance if the difference is bothersome.

I spent the entire weekend doing art and the past two days building out new maps, so there's lots of new space to explore and interact with, as well as plenty of that cultured content. I don't want to spoil anything, but for those of you who went poking around in the library and found the issue of Stay Clean Quarterly in there, you might be happy to know that it will contain renders in v0.2. It will also no longer be the only magazine of it's kind, though the other issue will be elsewhere in the game world.

This section of the game is so far proving to be surprisingly technical, so it might end up being a little light on actual story content. The good news on that front is that the optional content is almost completely finished, and is more or less ready to enter playtesting, so if v0.2 does end up being light on story there will still be plenty to do and explore. The other bit of silver lining is that the release will come sooner rather than later, which means less waiting.

I've also been chewing on how to construct future content. Not having a traditional fantasy setting means it's harder to justify traditional fantasy game style dungeons, but I knew that from the outset. The answer to this problem was originally only going to be Holds, but it's hard to put in a lot of those without ruining the game economy. So the "dungeons" of the game will also include Estates, which v0.2 will give you two examples of. These two Estates won't be dungeons to fight your way through, but they should serve to give you an idea of what to expect and they'll have plenty to find in their own right.

There's also a lot of mechanical work being done right now. I've added two new sets of armor which need to be balanced out (which you can find a piece of if you're nosy enough), a slew of new states that need to be tested, and the shop needs to be set up. Since the shop is going to be somewhat non-standard, it's going to take a lot of math and background work in order to get ready, but it should go pretty smoothly once it gets rolling. I hope.

I've also got a Readme included with the game now. I've gotten a few questions and comments about controlling the BGM volume and changing the screen size, and you can do both within the game without messing with any of your computer's other settings (as well as volume levels for BGS and SFX). The Readme will point out how to do those things and where to find the relevant options within the game.

But once all the maps are done and filled with events, the work on the quests should go pretty quickly. So far things are fairly squarely on schedule, so v0.2 is still on track to be ready in another 2-3 weeks.

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Maids & Masters (& Following Up On v0.20)