Friday, August 6, 2021

Maids & Masters (& Wrapping Up v0.1)

So, the last stretch of development took a smidge longer than expected, but it is now complete. v0.1 is done, it just needs a few rounds of playtesting and I need to get a few other things in order so that I can comply with the upload requirements of F95. Once that's done, a new post will go up so that the game becomes available to download, and I'll update my website so that it's available there as well. That will hopefully be happening within the next 24 hours.

There are a few quality of life changes that could potentially be made, but if I decide to make them, they can wait for any bugfix versions that might be necessary, or v0.2, whichever comes first.

There is something of a debug feature available for people who like to do the bug hunting thing. It's tied to the bonus trophy for playing Arrival, so if you have any trouble finding the trophy and turning the feature on, the first step would be to make sure you're looking in the right place. You do need to be exact in order to get it, and you'll get a notification when you do. Then examine the plaque beneath the trophy. If it still isn't working after that, let me know (either here or on my website) and I'll help you figure it out.

Speaking of bugs, there is one issue I encountered during playtesting that happened both within and outside of the playtest environment. The game would crash, seemingly at random, when a battle started. The exact step when it crashed seemed to be after the battle launched, but before the menu appeared to allow the player to select battle commands. I added a script to help identify the exact issue, whereupon I stopped encountering the issue. Hopefully whatever was causing the crash was delayed and is now processing correctly because it's being forced to slow down by an extra frame or two. I haven't encountered the issue again since adding the debug script. If anyone does encounter this, please let me know so I can investigate further.

Which goes for any bugs or performance issues. There shouldn't be anything game-breaking, but every machine is different, so anything from sound issues to graphical bugs to slowdown to crashes, I want to know about it so I can see if there's anything to do about it from my end.

As for the poll regarding character portraits, that will stay open until I'm nearing completion for v0.2. I want to get a decent sample size of opinions before I fully commit to going one way or the other, and closing the poll too quickly feels like a step in the opposite direction. And just for the record, I will take into account any feedback that happens outside of the poll on F95, regardless of how that feedback finds me. I don't want to just take the poll at face value as an absolute representation of opinion.

One last note, there are some placeholder assets in place. It's only a single sprite and the associated faces, and they're only present in the portion of the game that's after the current "end" (you'll know when you hit the end, it's literally impossible to miss).

As a bit of bonus news for people who read my posts here instead of only following the Maids & Masters project on F95, in the time between my posting this information there and making the new post here, I've managed to resolve the issue surrounding how character sprites are displayed. It needs a bit more testing, just like the rest of this version of the game, but my preliminary implementation and testing went wonderfully. This means I have the option of potentially implementing different character outfits, which is a feature that I was considering including but felt it wasn't viable until after I had resolved this particular issue.

So how's that? Read the blog, you get exclusive updates that you don't get anywhere else. You're welcome, the exactly one fan that I have that's reading this when it's new.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)