Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Maids & Masters (& Trophies & Character Faces)

Smaller, rant-less update this time. Between making a new language for NPCs because why the hell not, finding more and more custom assets that need to be either conjured from nothing or edited from the work of other people (my list of credits grows by the day), and finding better ways to do things that then mean I need to go back and redesign and playtest the same section of the game for the 5th+ time, things are going a little slower than they maybe could be.

I am still plugging away at this, though. The first batch of quests is nearly done, the relevant custom assets have been properly customized and implemented, I've improved my organization so I shouldn't need to go back and fix basically the entire game again, and I've written out how the first release of the game will go story-wise. The only thing left to do is put all the pieces together into a cohesive whole.

Which should only take another 30 hours of work or so. Phew.

After that, it's one final round of playtesting, and then those of you who are interested can start playing this thing. So far it's looking like it'll be about an hour of content, depending on how much of the content you commit to doing. There are of course still all sorts of hidden scenes and multiple interactions and switches and variables and all that good stuff that I tried to pack into the demo, this time without any nonsensical fourth wall breaks.

In other news, I made a website.

(This one!)

Right now there isn't really anything there, and there won't be anything there that won't also be here for a while, but it's something I've been meaning to do, and I might as well share that here. Updates related to my projects that don't get posted here as major updates will go there eventually.

In conclusion, v0.1 will be out in about a week, possibly sooner. Unless I decide to go down a redesign hole and do something stupid like create a bastardized fictional language for no reason. Not that I've ever done that before.

PS, I'm planning on trophies being used to unlock scenes as opposed to keeping them the arbitrary "you did a thing!" things that I low key originally intended them to be. There's already one planned for v0.1, and I have another that I'm also debating including, but it'll take a lot of extra work to get done. Regardless of when I include it, it will be in the game eventually and will be an additional feature instead of just a scene. It will be completely optional and won't negatively impact the game if you don't find it or choose to skip it, but it's based off of the hidden trophy you learn about by finding the trophy room in the demo, so if you haven't checked out Arrival yet, here's a bit of incentive to do so.

PPS, poll question (which doesn't work here on the blog, but feel free to leave a comment!). I've found myself needing to edit character faces regardless, so I'm curious if I should stay the course between using custom busts, or switch to editing rtp faces. Since it seems like a similar amount of work regardless, here's an example of Master's custom bust, followed by a quit edit (I say quick, but even being sloppy this took over an hour) as a possible alternative. 

Master.pngMaster 2.png

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)