Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Maids & Masters (& Hunting Bugs)

Just a teensy little cross post, for the sake of keeping things centralized here.

I found a few things that warrant some bug fixing, and in turn make me feel like a v0.1.1 is necessary. The bugs (should) only affect the post-game, but if it doesn't get fixed there's a possibility you'll soft-lock yourself out of continuing when v0.2 comes out (which you should honestly only encounter if you blatantly disregard my advice at the "end" of v0.1, but I digress), and no one wants that. I also don't want to push out arbitrary "new" versions of the game for the sake of vying for more attention, so I'm working on things like replacing Ella's placeholder assets and adding in some other bonus things for the curious to find. So v0.1.1 will be out... I dunno, next week? Maybe this weekend. It depends on how much of a pain it is to get everything updated (unfortunate update: it has been a massive pain so far) and whether I find more things I missed.

I have also started on the maps for the new areas present in v0.2. They aren't accessible yet, but at least one of them is quite large. I'm also aiming to have some fully optional content for v0.2. I don't know how well I'm going to adhere to putting it all into the same release or if I'll hold off for v0.2.1 or some such, but I'll do my best.

The big hurdle with v0.2 is going to be the economy. I'm trying something I haven't really seen elsewhere, but is largely similar to something like Dark Souls, where your currency is also something you use to make yourself stronger. It's a work in progress. I hope it works out, because I think the idea is neat, and will let y'all customize the way you play the game a bit. You'll also get access to your shop, which will work a little differently than most RPG shops do.

Then it's just balancing all the classes and making sure everything in combat works the way it's supposed to, because I've already had (and subsequently fixed) a wolf's debuff howl accidentally heal a random party member.

Game development is a trip, you guys.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)