Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Maids & Masters (& v0.17 & Being Sick)

Much to my chagrin, the cold that I caught over a week ago at this point is still clinging to life. While I do feel well enough to be able to get at least some work done every day, what's left of the cold makes it much more difficult than I appreciate to concentrate on work. All of these wilds segments should be done by now, and while the vast majority of the work is done, what's left are the bits that require me to be more able to use my brain than I currently am, which has made reaching an endpoint on them an exercise in frustration.

The good news is that I think I'll be able to justify getting a test build put out this Friday. The wilds may end up still missing a few finishing touches that make each section feel more unique, but I can at least get someone else's opinion on how much of that is needed or if I'm just mentally stuck on it.

I've also got another two enemy types built out since the last post, bringing the total new enemy types for the wilds up to five. Most of these enemies also do things besides just poison you, too. If nothing else, combat will hopefully feel a little more varied than in previous segments of the wilds that only had one or two new enemy types, and only maybe three enemy types total.

I'm also hoping combat will feel a little more rewarding. I'd originally wanted the Maids to be somewhere around level 30 at this point in the game, but obviously the mountain regions didn't have a lot of opportunities for combat. Even if you've been keeping up on the combat that did exist, most of your Maids are probably going to be around level 24 on the high end. I haven't tested all the combat available in the new maps yet to see approximately where levels will be if you complete all of the new combat encounters, but I made an effort to make the new enemies worth a meaningful amount of experience. Hopefully without making them overly difficult to fight, so if you happen to be a little behind on levels, it doesn't prove overly difficult to catch up by fighting the newer enemies.

While I'm busy hoping for things, is it too much to hope you'll click on a Patreon or Subscribestar link? That poll I've been talking about is going to be running for all Patrons and Subscribers for a little more than another week.

Maybe I'll stick to hoping I wake up tomorrow to find the last of this cold has finally left me.

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