Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Next Demo - Light Eternal: Dawnfall

Lore posts got voted for on Patreon, so if you want way too much detail on specific things, head over there and give the most recent post a read. The first one was on the importance of names and how they're handed down between Masters. This Friday's post will probably be another one while I wrap up my client work. Speaking of, all my client work is written, but I'm still waiting to hear back from both of them. I may have some edits or subsequent drafts to get done, but the majority of the time I spend on work from here on out will be on the next demo.

This is the first time I'm posting about it here, and it's been a while since I posted about it on Patreon, so here's the logo.

Like I mentioned on Patreon, this is a special project to me, because it was the first thing I tried to pitch to someone else to get started on trying to become a full time game developer and writer (before ultimately starting on MnM since I had the tools to do so). The elevator pitch is something like this:

We've won. The dragons have been slain. The darkness has been beaten back. The man aspiring to godhood behind an army of daemons is dead, and his soul banished to a plane beyond resurrection. The daemons themselves have been routed and are in full retreat, only stopping to fight when they're attacked.

And yet the war rages on. The paladin leading the Army of Dawn, chosen and blessed by the holy goddess, continues to fuel the hatred and zealotry of her army, hunting what remains of the daemons almost for sport.

It's unbearable watching her devolve like this. Her blessings remain, so the goddess must think this course the righteous one, but after such a grueling campaign, you long for peace. You've tried talking her down before, but she's never listened. It might cost you your own blessings and leave you with a stain of dishonor, but parting ways might be the best course of action.

That's more or less the prologue of the game. I want a little more than that to be playable, because this will be a turn based strategy game. That's the big thing that's kept me from making this game on my own; all I know right now is RPG Maker, and while the engine is a very powerful tool, it does have its limitations. Lucky for me, a new plugin set was released not that long ago, enabling me to take all my knowledge of RPGM and apply it to this strategy game I've wanted to make for years.

The trick is that, as a strategy game, there's a ton of work that needs to be done on the back end before I can even think about writing out the story and building out battle maps. I've gotten most of it done in between getting other updates out, but it still isn't quite to the point where I can launch the game and test the first battle. I think I've got the math more or less where I want it, but I can't be sure until I get everything else done and can test it in the live game environment.

There's definitely a lot to cover besides the premise for the story, so expect to get more about the project until the demo is ready to launch.

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