Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Maids & Masters (& Maps for v0.13)

I'm now (mostly) caught up with outside work, so I was able to dedicate the weekend to creating a new set of maps complete with a new set of puzzles that lead to a challenging new enemy that awards a new trophy. It's nothing too special, nor a mechanic I had originally intended to include, but now that it's done, we'll see how far I go with it. For now, the only use is digging out the ore you can reach in the caves leading from the west forest into the south mountains, but there is another secret to find there. 

I've also gotten a good start on the maps for the new Estate. I'm hoping ya'll don't hate locked doors, because otherwise the new village (which is closer to a small city) would have something like 30-35 additional maps beyond what's needed for the story. There's a good reason for all those doors to be locked (there's a murder mystery afoot, after all) and I wouldn't mind making those maps, but I know some of you get frustrated when you have a map to explore and there's not really anything to find, and I don't have 30 maps worth of stuff to hide. Skipping making those "unnecessary" maps also saves me a bunch of dev time, too.


The cult scene is also complete. Well, the first one is, anyway. The big thing that's done now is the "investigation" portion of the mini-segment. It was tricky getting Willow to correctly track all the information you uncover, but after spending a couple more days on it building it out and testing it, I think I've got everything working as intended. You're able to approach anyone to begin your investigation, and they'll shoo you away if they don't have anything new to share. So now it's just writing out the scenes themselves and pushing that story forward. Plus any other bonuses I decide to hide in there.

That's about everything there is to share this week, though. I do have the scene set for how the murder mystery will be introduced when you enter the Estate, but the event itself isn't built yet. I also have a rough outline for how the mystery will unfold, but I'm not sure how heavy-handed to be with player direction. Same goes with how Melissa and Phoebe will play their roles. There are a few ways I could set it up, but I want it to be clear that calling on Phoebe to help you turns on "easy mode" and will not only lock you out of the trophy, but will also take the interactivity out of the mystery. Even if I limit Phoebe's help to a scene-by-scene basis (so she only helps if you're stuck and you tell her to) it'll be tricky to make a mystery compelling while also giving everything away.

I like what I have so far, though. Here's hoping it holds up to what I have in my head when it's finished.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)