Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Maids & Masters (& Editing All The Things & An Announcement)

We got there. 


Before any new scenes, I ended at 95 total animations for all the existing scenes (with another 30 or so left for planned scenes that haven't been implemented, like later portions of the love shack scenes). 8 of them are already fully implemented and another 16 are edited and ready for implementation. That leaves 71 to get edited into loops, get those existing scenes reworked, and then I can finally get to making some random events. Feels good to actually be a little ahead of schedule for once.


Bonus midnight edit: those 71 animations are now all edited into loops. Feels really good to be ahead of schedule for once.

All of my work on MnM has been on getting these animations done, so that's about all I have to say about that, but I do have an announcement I'm pretty excited about: I've joined Burst Out Games as a writer.

My joining this team is still very new, so I don't have much to share at this stage, but I'm still very much looking forward to where working together will take both myself and the team as a whole. If you'd like to check out what BOG has to offer, you can find the itch page here, the Patreon page here, and the Subscribestar page here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Maids & Masters (& Animating All The Things)

I suppose "all the things" is a bit misleading, since only the lewd scenes are getting animations and some lewd scenes won't be animated, but there are a lot of animations being made.

I did some file organizing to help keep things straight and make sure I wasn't going to miss any work, and it turns out there's just a bit under 100 scenes to animate, some of which need more than one animation, which means I've got a little over 100 animations to make in total, some of which need to be either half-custom or entirely custom. As of this post, I've got 59 left to animate, with another 14 that still need to be edited to fit the game screen and so they loop properly. 


Thankfully, as I learn more tips and tricks, the non-custom animations are starting to go pretty quick. I'm aiming to have all of the animations at least created by the end of the month so I can focus on creating the remainder of the new content (like those random events I keep going on about) and finally call the remaster fully complete for v0.10.1.


I'm still a little hesitant to put a time frame on all of this, especially with work slowing down these past few weeks, but if I do manage to get all the animations made by the end of the month it should ideally only take me another week to get everything edited and implemented into the reworked scenes. If I take a week and a half to focus on the random events and get those done, that should put v0.10.1's release on June 16th. That's very tentative, though - if everything goes faster than I'm expecting, it could move up, but it's just as (if not more) likely that things will slow down again and release will get pushed later in the month. It's too early to say right now, but I want to share my own expectations in the interest of open and honest communication.

While you're waiting for v0.10.1 (or for v0.10 to go free), the bundle I joined on itch is still running. You can grab those games on itch for free right here.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Shilling For My Fellow Devs - r/GoodAdultGaming itch Bundle

Just a quick announcement to say I've joined another bundle, this one to help support the launch of a new subreddit as well as a bunch of smaller devs like myself. 

Most of the games already have a free version, but the bundle does include one paid game. The bundle itself is free and is mostly visual novels, so if you're interested, you can find it here.

If you want to follow the work of these devs, in addition to any links you might find within itch and on their creator pages, you can also join the subreddit r/GoodAdultGaming.

Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)