Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Maids & Masters (& REM Cycle & The Holidays)

The holidays have been extremely hectic for me, so I haven't had more than an hour or two in any given day to get much in the way of work done, and what work I have been able to get done has had to go into other projects, so there isn't much to say in terms of the progress I've made.

What I can say is that Maids & Masters does already have a number of updates complete. No real new content like what I've been wanting to put together, but a number of issues have been addressed and a few bugs have been found and fixed.

REM Cycle has seen even less progress, but I'm realizing that all of the custom assets that the main project will require can't all be put off until development starts on it. As I'm not an artist, creating these assets has been a bit of a trial. I'm doing what I can to change things around so I can get this demo/prequel thing out to you and off my back burners, but it's becoming a much slower process than I'd like it to be.

Since most of my time has been spent with friends and family and/or working on other projects, that's all there really is to say this week. Next week will be the year in review to celebrate both the new year and the year we just passed. After that, we should be back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)