Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Upcoming Demo: Redemption Harem's Crafting Systems

The redemption system is entering it's testing phase, but things are still moving around, so we'll leave that for last and give myself time to get those details hammered out.

The crafting systems make this demo one of the most complicated things I've ever made. There are 5 different crafting systems - Blodwerk, Cooking, Sewing, Smithing, and Lapidary. Each of these use skill variables that you raise by using the skill, which helps avoid losing materials to failure and makes perfect successes more likely.

Lapidary - a fancy word for gem cutting - isn't implemented in the demo, and will be unique in that it doesn't have its own skill level. Instead, it will use a combination of your other skills based on what you're trying to make, whether it's a piece of gear for one of your characters to equip or something else entirely.

The Blodwerk skill is a type of alchemy unique to Redeemers. It combines traditional alchemy - processing humours into reagents, and reagents into usable items - with witchcraft that uses the blood of the Redeemer to hasten the process. In addition to reagents and healing items, your Blodwerk skill will allow you to craft Injections. Injections provide buffs that bolster a specific part of a Redeemer's body, rendering them immune to a certain status effect, often providing additional effects (both positive and negative). How many injections you can have active is limited by the main character's body, but making good use of these injections can make a huge difference in battle and allow you to play the game in unique ways.

Cooking is what it sounds like. Redemption Harem features a hunger system, which, on its own, only means you have to keep the main character fed in order to avoid starvation. Once starvation begins, resting will no longer restore his health, and he will lose health with each passing day. Cooking allows you to make food to bring with you, which act as weaker healing items, as well as making meals for your fortress, affecting the Condition of the characters that join you. What you cook can have different effects on different characters, and have a positive or negative effect on their Condition. More on this next week.

Sewing and Smithing are again just what they sound like. The world of Redemption Harem is not a rich place, so any gear you want - whether it's for you, or any of the other characters in the fortress - you'll need to make for yourself. Sewing focuses on making the necessary goods (thread, needles, fabric, leather) and then using those goods to make armor and weapons out of that fabric or leather. Smithing is the same, but with metal, and is vital to the Redeemer combat style. Rather than using a shield, Redeemers prefer to keep knives in their off hand, ready to be thrown to create an opening. Through Blodwerk, these knives can be coated in poisons, giving a passive bonus while equipped and changing the secondary effects of the Knife Throw skill. However, once thrown, a knife is gone - you'll need to forge more if you want to make the most of the technique.


While not a skill to be raised, the fortress does also contain a farm, which can be used to manage the need to either hunt or purchase food to keep the characters in the fortress fed and stable. Don't forget - these aren't rescued victims. They're monsters. You don't want to live in the same building as a hungry monster, do you?


These systems are also all affected by Redemption Harem's day/night cycle. While you can cook a meal at any time of day, once you have, you won't be able to cook anything else (including the more easily prepared consumables) until the next day.  The other skills are also time consuming; crafting an injection, planting or harvesting a crop, smithing a weapon, or sewing armor together is an all-day process. Keeping everyone in your fortress happy, keeping yourself alive, and being prepared for hunts will take a level of planning in order for you to be successful.

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