Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Maids & Masters (& Trophies & Character Faces)

Smaller, rant-less update this time. Between making a new language for NPCs because why the hell not, finding more and more custom assets that need to be either conjured from nothing or edited from the work of other people (my list of credits grows by the day), and finding better ways to do things that then mean I need to go back and redesign and playtest the same section of the game for the 5th+ time, things are going a little slower than they maybe could be.

I am still plugging away at this, though. The first batch of quests is nearly done, the relevant custom assets have been properly customized and implemented, I've improved my organization so I shouldn't need to go back and fix basically the entire game again, and I've written out how the first release of the game will go story-wise. The only thing left to do is put all the pieces together into a cohesive whole.

Which should only take another 30 hours of work or so. Phew.

After that, it's one final round of playtesting, and then those of you who are interested can start playing this thing. So far it's looking like it'll be about an hour of content, depending on how much of the content you commit to doing. There are of course still all sorts of hidden scenes and multiple interactions and switches and variables and all that good stuff that I tried to pack into the demo, this time without any nonsensical fourth wall breaks.

In other news, I made a website.

(This one!)

Right now there isn't really anything there, and there won't be anything there that won't also be here for a while, but it's something I've been meaning to do, and I might as well share that here. Updates related to my projects that don't get posted here as major updates will go there eventually.

In conclusion, v0.1 will be out in about a week, possibly sooner. Unless I decide to go down a redesign hole and do something stupid like create a bastardized fictional language for no reason. Not that I've ever done that before.

PS, I'm planning on trophies being used to unlock scenes as opposed to keeping them the arbitrary "you did a thing!" things that I low key originally intended them to be. There's already one planned for v0.1, and I have another that I'm also debating including, but it'll take a lot of extra work to get done. Regardless of when I include it, it will be in the game eventually and will be an additional feature instead of just a scene. It will be completely optional and won't negatively impact the game if you don't find it or choose to skip it, but it's based off of the hidden trophy you learn about by finding the trophy room in the demo, so if you haven't checked out Arrival yet, here's a bit of incentive to do so.

PPS, poll question (which doesn't work here on the blog, but feel free to leave a comment!). I've found myself needing to edit character faces regardless, so I'm curious if I should stay the course between using custom busts, or switch to editing rtp faces. Since it seems like a similar amount of work regardless, here's an example of Master's custom bust, followed by a quit edit (I say quick, but even being sloppy this took over an hour) as a possible alternative. 

Master.pngMaster 2.png

Maids & Masters (& Metaphors)

Custom assets are nearly done. Working on events and the like within the game and otherwise improving things from Arrival, and the first 30 minutes or so of game is done (assuming you walk into every room and interact with things arbitrarily like I have in playtesting) with the one exception being the library.

There are still some things I need to do, like make sure you can't leave when there's nothing to leave to, and that filling out of the library with some additional lore, but things are coming together.

If anyone has any thoughts about Arrival, I'd love to hear them. Even if you hate it, at least I know some of you have downloaded and tried it.

If you're into reading philosophical design ramblings, I have plenty of those, too, so lets get into some of that. I was talking about the general design and story themes for the game with my roommate, and I came across a couple of realizations.

Before we get into those realizations, some context. I take issue with capitalism, especially the hyper-capitalist mentality of the US. It has merits and flaws, like any economy, and I recognize that rapid adoption of a different model would cause more harm than good as people tried to resist or manipulate the transition. However, capitalism as it currently exists feels to me like less of an economy and more of a means for those with resources to gather more resources through the work of those that stand to benefit significantly less by earning their own resources in the process of gathering resources on behalf of the person who already has significant resources. In short, rich people buy poor people through employment. Wage slavery.

I have personal experience in this from two different angles. One as the person who couldn't afford to seek ways to improve my life because my resources were so limited that it was all I could do to keep living paycheck to paycheck, and one as middle management that helped ensure that the company was making as much profit as possible through the manipulation of the human resource. I was good at my job and started at the ground level, so I did everything I could to keep the employees in my charge happy, but every single ounce of training I received to that end turned people into numbers and I hated it.

With that in mind, we come to the world of Maids & Masters. In this world, there are three types of people. Masters, who are given access to Contracts, a kind of magic that they channel from the Headstone which serves as the centerpiece of their Estate. Servants, who come into the employ of Masters through Contracts, and in so doing gain access to a second type of magic called Theurgy in exchange for devoting their lives to the whims of their Master. The last are the Uncommon Folk, people who live in the wilds between Estates that have no magic and are beholden to none save their own chosen society.

The Folk, despite being no less intelligent or capable than Masters or Servants, are generally looked down upon as uncultured and uneducated savages that would only serve as a drain on Estates were a Master to accept them without a Contract to make them into Servants. Not all Masters think this way, and some have even created Pacts of Accord, which supply those Masters with goods and services through the Folk that they otherwise cannot get from other Estates. The Folk are otherwise content to live in their small ramshackle homes and hunt the beasts of the wilds and harvest their communal gardens for food. The Folk are also the only group to practice religion and believe in a power higher than themselves (there are exceptions to this, but that's a post for another day).

Theurgy, the magic wielded by Servants, grants a large range of different effects. Some Servants become exceptionally strong, fast, or tough to the point of being superhuman. Others gain power over the mind, able to dull senses, slow opponents, and charm people into doing things they might otherwise never consider. Some are able to weaponize their sexuality, able to achieve all of this by swaying their hips, fluttering their eyelashes, or revealing their body. Nearly all servants, regardless of how Theurgy manifests for them, gain the meager power of prestidigitation - magical party tricks that can be used to produce lights or clean objects with a word or gesture. Though extremely rare, some servants display Theurgy in extreme ways, able to call down and dismiss lightning storms or hurricanes at will, or launch bolts of pure energy from their hands.

For all the power of their Servants, Masters receive no such endowments. Many have tried over the years, but the only abilities their power grants them is their Contracts, and issuing Orders to those subject to a Contract. They are otherwise entirely mundane and average, but most are so caught up in their own hubris that they see the religion of the Uncommon Folk as ridiculous, because surely there is no greater power in the world than the economic might that Masters are able to wield through their Contracts. Many Masters twist this power for their own purposes in subtle or cruel ways, such as stripping their Servants of their personality and replacing it with a new one, or making them into sex slaves, or making it impossible to refuse Orders instead of the Order only being a compulsion.

Those of you who are adept at reading between the lines have probably already drawn the connection for yourselves, but I did this unintentionally as I was building the world prior to starting development on Arrival. I didn't connect the dots until after I said some of this out loud.

The Uncommon Folk are a metaphor for the unemployed or those not traditionally employed (such as farmers, workers in the gig economy, people who can't work and live off government programs, survivalists that choose to leave society to live off the land, religious communities like the Amish, etc.). Masters are the corporate elite, and Servants are their employees. Those in power only have it because of an old system that put them there by way of luck and nepotism, or by marrying into it. Those not in power have little to no way to change their circumstances should they have a desire to. Those that have no power and are happy with their situation are seen as strange outsiders and shunned.

This may not be universally true of the real world, but I believe there are plenty of examples. It's definitely true in the world of Maids & Masters. There is nothing preventing the Uncommon Folk (or another Master, or even the Servants of another Estate) from ousting a Master and removing them from power save their Servants. A Master without Servants is no Master at all. A Servant, on the other hand, keeps their Theurgy regardless of who holds the Writ for their Pact of Servitude. This makes them as feared as they are desired, as a significantly powerful Servant can single-handedly topple everything a Master has built. This has happened in the history of the game, both in the ancient past and as the catalyst that led to the situation of our main character and began his story.

The metaphor feels especially poignant as we come out of the pandemic, and we start to hear ridiculous things like "we need to cut support so people are forced return to work" and "we as a business deserve employees, and people should be made to work for us." Within the game, I already had antagonists in mind that would represent these aspects without fully realizing I had made them to be such a metaphor.

So I may be using Maids & Masters as a platform for me to process my thoughts on the subject of unfair economic practices and culturally-enforced hypocrisy and false dichotomy. Whoops.

(I'm not sorry.)

And if you're still here, you're handsome and/or beautiful. I appreciate you. Here's a sneak peek at the first thing you see when you hit New Game.


Maids & Masters Arrival (Demo Available!)

So. I maked dis.

DOWNLOAD (google docs)

And have a mirror, since I'm not sure how well google docs plays with downloads.

DOWNLOAD (mediafire)

Maids & Masters: Arrival serves as the prequel to a project I've been kicking around in my head for a while now. I found myself with a little extra free time and wanted to try something new, so I picked this out of my folder of half-baked plot threads and made a little RPG Maker loaf of bread out of it.

But this is more of a slice of bread. Knowing where everything is, I can run through and interact with everything that gives a unique interaction and complete the demo in about 40 minutes. If I do only what is required, it takes 15-20. But I'm proud of myself for finishing this and I want to share it. (and maybe it doesn't belong here because it's a finished product, but also it's only a demo that serves as the prequel to a decidedly larger project that I'll continue to work on? please have mercy, mods.)

As some fair warning, there are a few placeholder assets. I need to make some custom tiles, and I intend to make a whole slew of other custom assets to do things like give characters their unique appearances and allow them to emote a little more beyond the occasional emote bubble. That, along with things like trophies and secrets that don't break the 4th wall, are things I intend to include with the full game. So if you see/find any jank (like the super obvious staircase), that should be ironed out by the time I put out 0.1 of the actual game.

Though I have play tested the snot out of this thing. It takes less than an hour to beat, but based on my cumulative save slot times, I've got a little over 5 hours put in. Which doesn't include all the little things I spent launching the game to test, playing for a few minutes to confirm it works, and then closing out of the game. It might have a little jank because I wanted to keep the game as vanilla RPG Maker as possible (except for Fullscreen ++; you can push F5/F6 to change screen size) but otherwise nothing should break or be broken during play.

I haven't been terribly vocal or active here, even though I've been lurking for quite some time. I'm trying to break into creative fields, and I've made the decision to take the Kinoko Nasu strategy of "call somebody a servant and let the MC bone her defenseless anus and maybe it's a billion dollar franchise in 15 years" as my own port of call. If you pay a lot of attention to the threads that come through the Development section of the forum, you might've seen The Rising Son pop up every so often. I'm the writer for that there, as part of a three person team. Maids & Masters is something I'm doing completely solo, and intend to continue doing completely solo. I've greatly enjoyed doing the work, so I hope those of you who download Arrival get some enjoyment out of playing through it.

I suppose I should talk about what this actually is as a project, too.

I'm a huge fan of Sierra Lee, so I've taken quite a bit of inspiration from The Last Sovereign and Desecration of Wings. Though I don't intend to get quite as deep into the meta-theology of my setting, threads and allusions will be sprinkled throughout, and I do have my own private notes about the "truth" of things. I'm also hoping to include some economical aspects and get good use out of the switches and variables in RPG Maker. However, the scale will be much smaller. You aren't going to become Master of Arclent (disclaimer: M&M is not set on Arclent). You aren't going to have to attend a religious summit that blue-balls your horny succubi while you discuss the finer points of theological denominations. You're just out to avenge your parents, earn your way back to riches, and fix your house. Probably not even in that deliberate of an order.

I've also taken quite a bit of inspiration from other long running games, like Harem Collector and the likely considerably less popular Harem. While the goal of the Master here isn't to collect 101 Maids and buy up two thirds of all available real estate across five cities to house them all, the idea of organically encountering and recruiting girls (be they friend, foe, or in between) is going to be the main way additional characters join the party. Similarly, not all characters that join will be combatants; some will simply move in and provide a particular service. As well as other "services" upon request (because let's face it, we all know why we're here).

The last piece of relevant information is the original concept statement. "Like Black Butler, but horny." That's literally what I had in the document when the idea first popped into my head, and that's the way it stayed until about a week and a half ago. Servants (or for the gendered terms, Maids and Butlers) sign Pacts with their Masters to gain prowess in combat and the occasional magical power, which is referred to in-universe as Theurgy. Masters themselves, while they are the only ones who can enact these Pacts and Servants have no power without them, are functionally mundane people. There is of course societal hierarchy and all of that, but that's a different can of worms. For those unfamiliar, Black Butler is an anime where the main protagonist is a small boy who inherited his estate at a young age, and his butler (who is very definitely a demon one hell of a butler) created a magical pact with him to protect the young master. And also Jack the Ripper is a horny redhead with a chainsaw, so maybe I'm not that far off the mark anyway.


Maids & Masters: Arrival is the stand-alone prequel to Maids & Masters. It has some place holder assets, but is complete and bug free. What to expect? Imagine The Last Sovereign and Harem Collector went on vacation in the Black Butler universe for a year and popped out a child there which they promptly abandoned.

Enjoy, and stay cultured my friends.

PS, this thing is absolutely laden with secrets. Interacting with things more than once will get you different scenes, there are tons of things to interact with, there's a talking bush, the ending is packed full of variables to adjust for how much you do, etc. Unless all of you are EXTREMELY thorough, everyone should have a slightly different experience.

First Post

 This won't be updated regularly for the time being. This will mostly serve as a hub for me to link back to, and a place to house posts made in other places regarding my personal projects.

Speaking of, my current projects are Maids & Masters, which is nearing the completion of the first release, and The Rising Son, a cyberpunk visual novel. For more information on The Rising Son, visit More information on Maids & Masters will be coming soon (as in within an hour of this post) in copied cross-posts.

This is also very much a work in progress while I figure out the "blog" thing.

Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)