Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)

Like I told supporters on Friday, I'm estimating the meat of the update is roughly halfway done at this point. The major story events are done, which just leaves all the minor and optional events and the ending. Unlike what I told supporters, that's about as much as I'm telling you, because I don't want to say anything more until we actually hit early access release day. If you want my secrets anyway, go to Patreon or Subscribestar and they'll be all yours.


If you're content to read the rest of this blog post and wait, maybe I could tempt you with a discount? The Valentine's Adult Gaming bundle has a whole boatload of discounts going now that the final stretch goal has been reached, which includes not only discounts on early access for permanent early access through itch, but 30% off my Gratitude and Supporter tiers on Patreon. 

My shilling out of the way, I would like to say that my progress on v0.20 means I can actually give you a release date, but I kinda can't. I'm still hopeful I'll be able to get the release done and published during February, but there's a non-zero chance that won't happen, so I'm not going to commit to any numbers just yet. I've got everything planned out pretty specifically except how the update ends. There are a few things I want to do, a few things I could do, and a few things I'm unsure of, and I won't be able to dedicate much brain power to figuring out how I want to handle it until everything else is finished and it's time to actually handle it.


Everything else is going pretty smoothly, though. I'm very happy with how the update plays from a gameplay perspective. Even if there's a little jank to it, it was really easy for me to get lost in just playing the game when I was playtesting things. I've also already gone through and fixed a slew of outstanding bugs and found a few other things to update, which has made this update's change log the largest it's been in a while. Now I just have to find a groove to settle into and get a bunch of work done, which will hopefully lead to the next test build including basically everything except the conclusion, and then I can talk about a release date.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Valentines Adult Gaming Bundle

Instead of being cryptic for another week, how about a big ol' bundle?


You can get this thing right here: https://itch.io/b/2881/valentines-adult-games-bundle

If you aren't already sold on clicking that link,  here's some stats for you:

There's 56 developers that put up 73 games, completely for free, including almost $30 worth of games that are normally paid.

We've already hit the bonus render stretch goal, so on top of all the other Valentine's cards I mentioned making available on Patreon and Subscribestar, there's about 50 more renders you're not likely to see anywhere else.

And we're already two thirds of the way to our final stretch goal, so if all of this isn't enough stuff for you, there's even more coming in the not-too-distant future.

Don't want to spend Single's Awareness Day alone? Go click that link.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 2)

I think I've reached a point where all of the base infrastructure to make this update function is in place and working as well as it possibly could be. There's still a few more things to add, but they shouldn't interfere too much with anything else. The test build with these bare bones is in the hands of testers and I'm starting to get feedback, so now it's time to start fitting in all of the story events and other things to find along the way.

To that end, Viridius' part is almost done. I still need to make a sprite sheet and face sheet and finish writing the dialogue so I can test it all and move on to what's left for the other events. Right now I'm estimating 8 optional events and two or three more mandatory story events before the final confrontation that ends this segment of the story. 

The big thing I'm having trouble balancing out right now are the consequences. How to earn the trophy is pretty obvious - do all the things and avoid all the consequences - so all that's really left to do there is what to make the trophy and what to have the trophy do, and that can wait until I'm closer to implementing it. The consequences, though... I don't want to spoil anything about it so I'm going to continue being cagey on the blog posts, but given how upset some people seem to be about there even being a potential way to lock yourself out of recruiting Iris despite having many chances to both recruit her before then and avoid that scenario, I'm expecting people to also be very upset about some of these consequences.

Which is all there really is to say for now. This Friday's Patreon/Subsribestar post is going to be the Valentine's cards that were voted on last week, which gives me another week to put these events together before a (hopefully final) test build goes out, and then I can start talking about a release date.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 1)

Yes, part one. This update is so big that even after nearly two weeks of working on just the infrastructure for what will make up the majority of the gameplay for this update, it still isn't quite in a final playable state. It is very nearly in a testable state, though. It's gonna be fun dancing around exactly what this update is about without outright spoiling what's going on.

(That was sarcasm - I really want to talk about it and it's not gonna be fun at all - but I want to keep the story as much of a surprise as I can because it's the first update of Act 3 and so much happens)

I still haven't quite gotten to Lothario's part of the segment yet, but I am to a point where everything I need to function (at least at a very basic level) should function, so I just need to test it a bit more (and what I've tested so far works as intended, which feels fantastic) and then I can get to work on Lothario. So if you're reading this while the post is fresh, there's a good chance I'm already working on opening that door behind all those statues in Lothario's attic that's been locked since v0.3. And if I get that done fast enough and the new infrastructure doesn't need a ton of attention, I'll even be able to add the first secret area for this new thing and build out Lothario's hold, and all that'll be in the second test build for v0.20 when it goes up on Patreon and Subscribestar.


Speaking of Patreon and Subscribestar, a quick aside - there's a poll on that's available to everyone (even if you just join for free) to vote on Valentine's Day cards.  If you want a valentine from your favorite Maid, go vote, because only the top 3 are getting one.

Anyway, as exciting as it is that all the new infrastructure is working, there's still an absolute boatload of work left to do. A lot of this new stuff relies on proximity checks for a ton of different events, which is why it's taking so many switches and variables to make it function. Last week I was a little under 20 of each; this week I'm up to 23 variables (with an estimated 24 more being necessary to handle what hasn't been built yet) and 24 switches (with an estimated 16 more for what's left). Most of those switches are checking whether or not certain actions have been completed, but in contrast,  only 7 of the variables currently being used are for something other than checking the position of something.


And that's still before scripting everything else that needs scripting, giving you the room to see everything you need to see, and putting in other checks for locations so you're not able to sequence-break anything and have the game start throwing errors or stopping progression because something happened before it was supposed to. This part of the game is deeply complicated to build. It should be a lot of fun to play, though. As long as I get the balance for the enemies right, anyway, because this segment of the game is going to be very combat heavy. It's a good thing that Mind Hold worked out. Unless you've been keeping up with combat, you're going to need it.

This update is also going to be calling back to all the loose plot threads that aren't part of a given Maid's character quests, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself so I have something to talk about next week. I think I've sprinkled in just enough hints at what's going on with this update that you might be able to guess, but you won't be sure if you're right or not. And hopefully that makes you excited for the update and not annoyed that I'm not telling you anything.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Maids & Masters (& Starting on v0.20)

I've actually been working on v0.20 for a few weeks now, with the first test build and patch notes already being up on Patreon and Subscribestar. There's quite a bit that I could and kinda want to talk about, but I want to keep as much of this part of the story a secret so you get the experience and the reveals at the same time. 

Obviously I can't do that with the patch notes that Patrons and Subscribers get, because the patch notes cover what's going on in the test build, and the test build contains those reveals. If you really want to know what's going on before the update enters Early Access and I start talking about going from v0.20 to v0.21, you know where to go.

I've been itching to work on this part of the game since I started on Act 2, so it's both a little surreal and really exciting to me to finally be here. Right now, the test build just introduces the update, wrapping up the Freeze and setting the scene for what comes after the cult meeting.

There's still a little bit of story to address with Lothario before the update really starts that I haven't put in yet, but adding just that would make for a pretty weak test build, so I want to get at least the core systems of the new mechanics functioning properly before I put out another test build so I can hopefully get some feedback on how that feels. As much as v0.20 Test 1 is already out, v0.20 Test 2 is at least another week away. And it'll probably still just be the story segment with Lothario and an opportunity to play with the base mechanics.

This is why I have no idea how long it's going to take me to make v0.20. These mechanics are complicated. I've spent entire days (yes, plural) putting together a single aspect, and that aspect is still incomplete. I (hopefully) know RPG Maker well enough at this point that I won't need to tear the entire system apart and remake it from the ground up to get it to work the way I want it to, so that shouldn't cause any delays. At the same time, I'm already at around 20 variables and 20 switches dedicated to just this part of the game, and both of those numbers are definitely going to go up from here. It's going to take a long time to put everything where it needs to go and tell the game how to behave. There's no real way around that.

And that's before all the story and special events, some of which will be based on "time" (using quotation marks because it's not really measuring how much time has passed, that's just the consideration behind it) and some of which will be more progress-based. 

Thankfully this part of the game is something I've spent a good long time thinking about, so it's only the finer details I need to iron out as I build it up. The big things that might cause delays is if I build a piece of it one way and it doesn't work, so I need to spend however long figuring out how to fix it. I'd like to get this update out in February, but it might not be until March when it's actually ready. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Maids & Masters (& Following Up On v0.19)

There haven't been a ton of bugs reported, and most of the reports are for v0.18, but I've still caught about half a dozen things with the help of bug reports. At least one of those things had been in the game for a while, so I'm glad to have that fixed. Just a friendly reminder that if you manage to find a bug, please find me and report it; my comment sections and DMs are open wherever you can find them. Just make sure the place you found them are actually me. I know there are a few websites out there that upload my game without my permission or knowledge and don't actually link back to me in any way. I don't use those websites, so finding myself on them to look for bug reports is difficult.

Other than that, if you've played v0.19 (or even if you haven't, really), I just want to put it out there again that I like feedback. In particular, if you have any thoughts about the books that can be found beneath the shed, I'd like to hear them. Those books are meant to feel like random notes that you're picking up and reading with little context, but part of me worries that they're confusing. A small amount of confusion is fine given the revelatory nature of them, but you should still understand what they're about without needing to go back and read them multiple times. Some of the information there is relevant for v0.20, so I want to make sure those are easy to digest, or at least exciting to read.

There is another bug in v0.19 that I have fixed for v0.20 already that no one has reported, and while I kinda want to talk about it, I also think it's for the best to just let it lie and see what people do with the bugged version. It's a big enough bug that part of me wants to pre-patch v0.19 for the public release, but it also isn't game-breaking (at least not in a way that will stop you from continuing to play the game). At risk of over-repeating myself, I like feedback, so if you find this particular bug and have thoughts on the system it's associated with after you've played with it, do let me know.

Other than that, I'm pretty happy with how v0.19 worked out. The bonus objective for June and Chloe (which yes, free hint - they share an event) seems like it's a little trickier than I'd like, since (another free hint, why not?) it involves having them both follow you, which is something you can't do with any other pair of Maids. I might expand the event trigger area a little so it's easier to find by accident, but hopefully both of their events being "go get the other one and take them somewhere" will lead enough people toward experimenting and figuring it out from there. If nothing else, there are enough optional Maids to more than make up for missing those two, so the trophy is still plenty obtainable for people who can't quite figure it out.

Now it's on to v0.20. I'm actually hoping to get the first test build that introduces the update out to VIPs this Friday on Patreon and Subscribestar. I still need to test some things and implement some other things, but this first little segment went quicker than I expected it to in terms of development time. Probably because I've been itching to tell this part of the story for close to a year now. I really hope you like what I've got coming, because the tone does take some rather sharp turns compared to the rest of the game.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Another Grain Through The Hourglass - 2024 Year In Review

Phew. That's 2024 done.

If you're new here and have no idea what I'm doing here, at the turn of the new year I like to take a moment to look back at the past year and celebrate all the good things that happened. A lot of not great things happened in 2024; financial support fell then stagnated, client work slowed way down, burnout hit me real hard, my grandmother passed, and so many other small things that made life harder and slowed down development.

Thankfully, there's still plenty of good that happened, too. There's still a lot that I'm incredibly thankful for and that I'm at least a little bit proud of. So, without any further ado:

Starting with the boring stuff, as much as my Patreon income hasn't reached the month-to-month peak that it hit at the end of 2023, I still had some good months thanks to those of you that signed up for the 1-year subscription that I'm now able to offer. Some of the other numbers also hit an all-time high, with paid members actually reaching 50 right at the end of December and total members being on the bleeding edge of 200. 

I also opened up a Subscribestar page, giving people who either don't like or can't use Patreon for whatever reason a new option to support me. While their payout rules mean I probably won't see a single cent from the support there for a long time yet (unless a whole bunch of you join all at once, anyway), I'm already over 20 members there.

Whether the money is where I want it to be or not, it still means a lot to me that anyone out there is showing me any kind of support. Especially in a year like 2024, it goes a long way toward keeping me going. Like I've said so many times already, and will continue to say as long as it continues to be true - whether you gave me a dollar and canceled immediately, joined one of those ridiculous expensive tiers and have stuck around for years, are somewhere in between, or have just been lurking in the "follow for free" section, thank you so much for being here.

Wrapping up the business side of things, the itch bundles didn't slow down even a little bit. From the smaller bundles to the giant mega-bundles, from the sales to the tips, the support on itch has gone a long way toward keeping me above water. As much as I still have a lot of room to grow before it really starts making a difference, the support I see there and the success of the bundles I've run still makes a little difference, and that still matters to me.

Seriously, just look at these things. The success of these bundles hasn't been life-changing for me, but they have made a difference for some of the devs in those bundles, and some of those differences have been life-changing. Getting to bring so many people together and seeing that show of support has been such an incredible experience (even if a few of those devs are a pain in my ass - you know who you are <3). If I end up failing out of indie game development and find myself unable to keep making games, I will still forever be humbled by the generosity of fans and the difference I've managed to make in my little corner of the community.

To talk about game development specifically, I really wish I'd gotten more of Precious Kouhai done, but at the moment, everyone seems to want my attention focused on Maids & Masters. Which is fair, because Maids & Masters is so, so close to the end of the story.

I'll probably still be spending most of 2025 working on Maids & Masters, because there's still a lot to do besides telling the rest of the story, and I have no idea what development is going to be like for these last few core updates. Like with basically every update to Maids & Masters, I'm tackling something I've never done before, but this time it's on a completely different scale. 

Once those last few updates are done, there's still other touch-ups on content that I want to add, too, with the biggest piece of that content being the remaining affection quests. It's incredibly exciting being this close to done, though. Having that first completed project as a notch in my belt is something I've looked forward to since starting Maids & Masters more than three years ago, and it's only gotten more important to me as the game grew in scope and scale. I continue to learn a lot about game development and storytelling through interactive media, and I'm feeling deeply impatient to put all of that experience to work into a future project.

Where Maids & Masters is a story I wanted to tell combined with an excuse to learn as much as I can about RPG Maker, and Precious Kouhai is almost entirely an excuse to get better at creating visuals and animating (with learning Ren'Py being a nice bonus), I'm really eager to put these metaphorical muscles to work instead of just - comparatively speaking, anyway - lifting weights for the sake of moving something heavy.

Back on the topic of future projects, I was finally able to make a demo that's near and dear to me, because it's the project I initially wanted to make first: Light Eternal: Dawnfall. It's the first project I pitched to someone else when I was looking to join a team rather than take on solo development, it's the oldest game design document I have in my ever-growing stockpile of GDDs, and it's a story I'd been working on for years before all that. Having both the tools and the skills to bring that project to life, even if it is just a demo, feels like a phenomenal step forward.


So, here's to 2025.

If everything pans out the way I want, I'll have Maids & Masters finished in a few months, spend the next few months after that following up on the end of the story with the rest of the side content I want to make while I finish Precious Kouhai, and I'll have you voting for my next project on Patreon and Subscribestar to have the first official update of that project in your hands before 2026.

There's also another thing I still can't quite talk about, but I'm very much looking forward to telling you about it as soon as I can. As much as there are a handful of things the future holds that I'm very much not looking forward to, 2025 still looks like it's going to be an incredibly exciting year. Here's to sharing it with you.

Stay cultured, you beautiful bastard, you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy Lewd Year 2025 Bundle!

This was supposed to go up yesterday, but I didn't do a great job of paying attention to what day of the week it was.

Super quick general update - next week will be the 2024 year in review, then a follow-up on v0.19 so there's plenty of time to allow for feedback to come in.

For now - have another bundle!

This one is only available for a week to celebrate the new year. It's just a little over 40% off of 7 different games, most of which I've played myself. If you want something a little more than your standard AVN, the games here should keep you occupied for a good while.

Get it before it's gone! https://itch.io/b/2836/happy-lewd-year-2025-bundle

Friday, December 27, 2024

Maids & Masters v0.19 Release

The change log on this one is crazy short, but I think that's largely due to my being so focused on pushing forward and getting the update out while we're still in the vicinity of Christmas. I haven't heard much in the way of bug reports for v0.18 or v0.19, and I spent a lot more time than usual hammering out bugs on v0.19, so hopefully the change log is short because there's nothing to fix.

Remember that if you do find a bug, I do ask that you reach out. I leave comments enabled in places like Patreon and Subscribestar (where you can also find both the free and early access releases), my DMs are open on Twitter and BlueSky, and there are comment sections on the itch game pages, too. The way I find most bugs is from people reporting them, so if you see a bug that's been in the game for a while without getting fixed, tell me about it.

If you've already tried to tell me about it and it's still broken, tell me again. The burnout has been a bear to deal with this year, so I haven't gone out of my way to look for complaints/bug reports/feedback in general in the last few months like I have for the couple years before that. I know I've still got a few things in my notes to address, so we might end up with a v0.19.1 anyway, but that all depends on what needs fixing and how badly it's broken. 

For now, the change log:

Added the next story segment - the third Freeze. Including:
- Freeze events for Vicky, June, Chloe, and Iris, all with bonus objectives.
- A new Estate feature, available after (finally) opening the shed.
Fixed a bug that caused some objectives in A Long Time Coming to not complete correctly.
Various other minor dialogue and event updates.

(I told you it was short)

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Winter Adult Games Bundle

Looking for someone to keep you warm during these winter months?
Perhaps a snow-dusted fling forgotten with the melting snow?
Or just a good story to help you forget the cold?

The Winter Adult Games mega-bundle has 73 games from 57 developers, ranging from engrossing stories and unforgettable romances all the way to nights that leave your legs aching in the morning, all completely for free!

For those that contribute to the bundle, you'll also get nearly $30 worth of projects you'd otherwise need to pay full price for!

And if that isn't enough for you, the first stretch goal has already been met, so there are bonus renders available, also for free, right on the bundle page.

Come on in, get cozy, and enjoy, cuz baby, it's cold outside.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Maids & Masters (& More Progress on v0.19)

Despite my best efforts, reality seems to be conspiring against me to push the release of v0.19 back.

While all of the usual Freeze things are very likely going to be complete by Friday - Freeze events, chat options, special interactions, bonus events, all the new renders and animations, etc. - it's looking like the new story bit won't be. It'd be too much of a scramble trying to force it to happen, and it'd leave next to no time to do any kind of polishing or bug hunting.


A part of me wants to push the story bit into v0.20, or even v0.19.1, so that I can include the cult segment and end the Freeze in tandem with the story segment, but that would make for an extremely small update if I didn't also include something like the next round of affection quests. Doing that feels like asking for more delays between now and the end of the story, so I think it's in my best interest to swallow my pride and deal with the delay on v0.19.

I'm still not going to put an official release date on anything, because June and Chloe's bonus objectives are really unique, which of course is leading to some design difficulty. It isn't an insurmountable amount of difficulty by any means, but it's still enough that it's slowing me down more than I'd like. I also haven't really touched Cumhaill yet, and there are a few mechanics I'd like to finally include alongside the story revelations, so it's hard to say how much work is actually left to do. I still would really prefer to get v0.19 into early access before the end of the year, so that's still the goal, but we'll see how it goes.

The silver lining to all of this is that I don't need to go reaching for a lore post or anything for Friday's Patreon (and Subscribestar) post. As counter-intuitive as it is, it really feels like the best course of action is to take things however they come and putting out a near-complete test build. If all goes well, I'll then be able to get v0.19 complete and even have some time to go bug hunting. I've been less active in places other than Patreon and Discord than I'd really like to be lately, so I'm sure there are a number of bug reports out there that I haven't seen yet.

I just hope the last two posts of the year will be a little more positive. Or, failing that, that 2025 goes a little better. I'm still excited about finishing the story of Maids & Masters and then fully completing the game, and there are still cool things that I'm a part of happening that I want to talk about, but these past few weeks have been a little heavy on burnout for my liking. I really want to go back to being constantly flabbergasted that I get to do this at all, because I still love doing it and I still think it's extremely cool.

Most Recent Update

Maids & Masters (& Progress on v0.20, Part 3)